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Topic: Problem with Audio Books

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Subject: Problem with Audio Books
Date Posted: 6/7/2012 9:56 AM ET
Member Since: 2/3/2010
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I listen to audio books all the time.  The last few new releases that I've taken out of the library have the tracks out of order.  I can listen to tracks l and 2 and then track 13 follows.  Needless to say, it doesn't take long to realize "something is wrong."  Anyone else having this problem?

rhyta avatar
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Date Posted: 6/18/2012 12:03 AM ET
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Is this downloaded content?  I am assuming so?  I haven't had that problem but some downloading issues where bits are missing once in a while.  I am getting frustrated that more publishers are taking audio away from the libraries and only offer e-books. 

eclecticreader10 avatar
Date Posted: 7/8/2012 2:36 PM ET
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Is your player on shuffle?
KB9NIY avatar
Date Posted: 9/3/2013 7:03 PM ET
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Check you schuffle or play random.  I did this by accident and was going nuts till my son told me what I had done..

Dargent avatar
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Date Posted: 11/4/2013 7:53 PM ET
Member Since: 8/23/2008
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It would be nice if the mp3/tablets/ipods/etc. that play audiobooks had a separate category  for them but they all seem to go to MUSIC.

  I had the same problem with SHUFFLE getting story tracks out of order.  I had no idea what it meant but finally found it under SETTINGS.

I love being able to download an audiobook from home though - its still pretty amazing to me that this is available! I'm not a techie person or social media twitter whatever but I sure love getting books downloaded from the library.