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Topic: Weight Watchers Sista's UPDATED FRONT PAGES 4/26/2012

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Subject: Weight Watchers Sista's UPDATED FRONT PAGES 4/26/2012
Date Posted: 1/1/2009 6:24 PM ET
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This thread of a continuation of our previous thread in HEALTH, MIND & BODY.


BTW; everyone SHOULD report in daily,Just like a meeting!!  without the cost....hehehe

We are a group of Swap friends who decided to try to lose some weight.  We started on July 30, 2008, and some of us put our weekly progress on the next pages. Your Weight Today&; Daily Points Target




Less than 150 Pounds       18-23

150 - 174 pounds               20-25

175  - 199 pounds              22-27

200 - 224 pounds               24-29

225 - 249 pounds               26-31

250 - 274 pounds               28-33

275 - 299 pounds               29-34


In addition, you also get 35 points for the week. You can spread them out over the course of the week or you can use them all at once if you have a party to go to or you go out to eat.  It's up to you.  But these points don't carry over from week to week.



This will count  points of things you buy in the store that have fiber, fat & calorie count: Weight Watchers Points Calculator 


  1. WW FOOD LIST-POINTS -WW Points for almost everything!
  2. 1 2 3 & 4 Point Snack list Link
  3. Scroll down to see this   Food List, Menus and point count
  4. Here is a site that  breaks down points for foods. Generic Food's Points (same as #1)
  5. HungryGirl gives tips, recipes & points Link
  6. fastfood  It has point values for when we can't avoid fast food!
  7. Hungry Girl printable shopping list for good-for-you snacks & foods Link
  8. Fast Food Restuarants A-Z
  9. Delicious 1 point Yogart Drink- LIGHTFULL
  10. The Best Chocolate Treat, VITAMUFFINS - ONLY ONE POINT!



  • 1. Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
  • 2. Choose whole-grain foods, such as brown rice and oats, whenever possible.
  • 3. Include two servings of milk products â?? low fat (1%) or fat-free â?? each day.
  • 4. Have some healthy oil (olive oil, canola, sunflower, safflower or flaxseed) each day.
  • 5. Ensure that you are getting enough protein by choosing at least a serving or two of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, or dried beans each day. Many dairy products are also good sources of protein.
  • 6. Limit added sugar and alcohol.
  • 7. Drink at least 6 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
  • Take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement each day



WW Turkey Muffins

  • 1 lb ground lean turkey breast
  • 3 egg whites 
  • 1 box Stove Top stuffing (I use the 'wheat' or 'turkey' flavors. The Cornbread one is awesome also)
  • 1 cup water
  • little ketchup
  • salt & pepper.  I use garlic salt, garlic and onion pdr, a little chile pdr and cumin.  It's very bland without seasoning.

---Preheat oven to 350

  1. spray 12 regular muffin tins with cooking spray
  2. mix everything up & put it in the muffin tins
  3. I spread just a teeny bit of ketchup over the tops
  4. bake for 35 minutes
  5. OPTIONAL:  I have made this in a loaf pan instead of muffins,  like a meatloaf. 

2 points for one muffin

0 Point Garden Vegetable Soup


2/3 cup sliced carrots

1/2 cup diced onions

2 garlic cloves, minced

3 cups fat-free broth (beef, chicken, or vegetable)

1 1/2 cups diced green cabbage

1/2 cup green beans

1 tbsp. tomato paste

1/2 tsp. dried basil

1/4 tsp. dried oregano

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup diced zucchini



In a large saucepan sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, saute carrots, onions and garlic over low heat for about 5 minutes. Add broth, cabbage, green beans, tomato paste, basil, oregano and salt, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for around 15 minutes or until beans are tender. Lastly, stir in the zucchini and continue to heat soup for 3-4 minutes. Enjoy!!

Note: I usually saute garlic along with the onions and use a soup stock pot.  Optional for one point, add can beans, and/or small pasta, and a little grated cheese.

JJO's Oven Fried Chicken From the Hungry Girl Cookbook. fiber-ific fried chicken Link

  • 3 chicken breasts
  • 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal (original)  (put in a food processor/chopper/something with just a little garlic powder & pepper)
  • 1/2 cup egg beaters
  • No stick spray

Preheat oven to 375

  • Spray a cookie sheet
  • Cut the chicken into strips
  • Dredge first in egg beaters, then in fiber one to coat
  • Put on cookie sheet & lightly spray again with Pam
  • Cook 10 minutes, then turn and lightly spray them again
  • Cook 7 minutes

June's  Egg McMuffin for 3 points.

  • 1 point WW English Muffin
  • 1 point, 3-slices Butterball Turkey Bacon
  • 1 point individual eggbeaters

I put the eggbeaters in a small dish, first sprayed with oil and microwaved it for 2 minutes. The Turkey Bacon, 1-1/2 minutes in microwave on paper towel, toasted English Muffin. I smeared a thin coat of Miracle Whip Free mayo on the muffin, and put it together.  DELISH!!

French toast PB sandwich-4 pts

  • 2 pieces bread (Sara Lee Delightful multi-grain) - 1 pt
  • 1 tsp Peanut Butter -1 pt
  • 1/2 banana 1pt
  • 1/4 c  eggbeaters 1 pt

Spread peanut butter on bread, slice banana and place on top and add last piece of bread then then dip in eggbeaters till bread is soaked. Fry in nonstick pan. I topped mine with 1 T sugar free syrup (0pts). It was YUMMY


 I had 2 pieces French Toast for breakfast too.  Only mine was made with sourdough bread (that I made), one egg and skim milk...with a drop of real vanilla extract in it.  Cooked in my non-stick pan and sprinkled with cinnamon. 


I like cool whip & graham cracker sammiches.  I got the cinnamon graham crackers, and regular cool whip (cause I like the regular better).  1/4 cup of cool whip spread over 4 graham cracker halves, topped with the other halfs and popped into the freezer.  1.25 points per sammich. 


  • 1 cup skim milk (1 prefer 1%) - 2 pts
  • 2 Tbsp sf/ff instant pudding mix any flavor you want - 1 pt
  • 2 Tbsp Cool Whip Free - 0 pts
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup ice cubes-sometimes I use more
  • Stir pudding mix into milk, then pour into blender. Add other ingredients and blend! Total recipe = 3 pts.
  • My favorite variation so far: add 1 sm or 1/2 large banana (1 extra pt.) plus 1 tsp. intant coffee granules. (I didn't freeze the banana)
  • I also tried the original with a couple of splashes of Torani sf Irish Cream - pretty good!
  • fudge sf/ff pudding with just the coffee (no banana) - also very good! Like a mocha smoothie.
  • Cheesecake ss/ff pudding with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries - I didn't care for it, but my family loved it!
  • I've been using my Smoothie machine and it works very well. Consistency is the same as a smoothie (use a straw), definately not as thick as a blizzard or frosty.

Last Edited on: 4/27/12 7:07 PM ET - Total times edited: 31
junie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 6:32 PM ET
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STARTING DATE 7/30/08-(28 lbs off from here) ----------

Jan. 6, 2009  -, 2 pound loss. 30 lb total.  

Jan 13,- 0 loss, 30 lb total  

Jan 20, -0 loss, 30 lb total             

Jan. 27 -2 pound loss.  Total to day: 32 lbs.

Feb. 10 -1 pound loss. Total 33 lbs.

Feb. 17- 0 loss............. Total 33 lbs

Feb 17-Mar.3- 0 loss

Mar. 10- 3 lb 36 lbs

Mar. 24-  3 lb 39 lbs

Mar. 31-  0 lbs

April 7-   0 lbs

April 14-  3 lbs.......... total 42 lbs

May 13,  2 44 lbs

 June 17, 2 46 lbs

June 24, 2 48 lbs

July 24, 2009;    3 50 lbs AT GOAL ON 7/24/2009

Aug. 23, 2 52 lbs!!!!


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carolceltic avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 7:00 PM ET
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i would love to join this i just start weight watcher i have all stuff from before .

i started today.

mizcat avatar
Date Posted: 1/1/2009 7:09 PM ET
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My goal is to be healthy and at a NORMAL BMI range. (Still my goal!!)

Points for the day (regular points program)... 24-29 pts allowed.



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carolceltic avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 8:52 PM ET
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you all are giving me extra motivation.

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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 9:05 PM ET
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Thanks for inviting me back in here June.  I am going to really try to stick with it this time again.  I probably won't be able to post everyday, but I'll try!!!

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 9:09 PM ET
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JESSICA!!  Love you for trying again!  Just keep Carol and I in mind when you start to stray!!!  Count those points. They REALLY work!!  AND, if  you need it, we'll come out and lock up your food!  Then we'll send  you a care package to start you off!

Welcome Carol C.  Carol's lost 34 and I've lost 28 pounds since July 30th 08!  More to come off!

mizcat avatar
Date Posted: 1/1/2009 9:49 PM ET
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Welcome Carol! We'll help you however we can! If I can help you in any way, feel free to PM me. :o)

Welcome back Jess.

And good luck all! :o)

ETA: 23 of 24 pts for Jan. 1st!

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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 10:03 PM ET
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I'm going to join up with you guys :) I'm nervous though!!!

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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 10:07 PM ET
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Any suggestions on a favorite scale?

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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 10:21 PM ET
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What all do I need to get started? I assume I need to write everything down and I wondering what I should use and what kind of format.

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 10:31 PM ET
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Tiff, I forgot to tell you, keep a food journal daily. Write down EVERYTHING you eat, and look up the points. If you try to do it without writing down everything you put in your mouth , it won't work!  Just use a daily piece of paper, journal, or whatever format you want.  Try to post how many points you had each day and then post a weekly progress, like Carol and I have on the first few pages.  You DO NOT have to show  your weight unless you want to, just the weeks progress...... Any questions, just ask us.

eta:  The WW Calculator link on page 1 is to be used for anything in your pantry or that  you buy in a grocery store that has calorie, fat content and fiber on the label.  The Calculator will give you the point count.

Last Edited on: 1/1/09 10:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 10:58 PM ET
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I may not 'offcially' start until Monday but I think tomorrow I'll start writing everything down just to get a feel for it and try to figure out the 'points' I'm eating without trying to change anything more than I'm already working on, ya know?

What about exercise?

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Date Posted: 1/1/2009 11:18 PM ET
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I will have to go get a food scale this weekend and hubby and I need to work on our dishes cause they are all dirty because the dishwasher broke and we've been trying to fix it! I'm going crazy with all the dirty dishes in the kitchen, it's nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God we aren't normally the type to leave dishes out and they HAVE gone through several cycles but just haven't gotten clean and have some kind of film on them or something (I'm VERY grateful they don't smell!). Tomorrow I may take the drain apart and see if there is a filter in there and see if that is the problem. If not, I think we are SOL until we can save up for a new dishwasher and we'll just have to keep washing everything by hand and use paper and plastic for a short time. LOL

bears1 avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 6:38 AM ET
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Good morning.  Thanks June for starting the thread.

June is right.  Putting everything down on paper is key.  It keeps you honest.  Just because I am a WW leader doesn't make me an expert.  Obviously, I am struggling with a 10 pound gain and can't seem to move it in the right direction but this thread is wonderful. 

Here's to 2009 being a successful weight loss year!

arlith avatar
Date Posted: 1/2/2009 9:33 AM ET
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I'll do better with the sticking with it this time....I think.  =)

I had meant to start all new year and all that...but like so many of my good intentions, it just didn't happen.  But...I wasn't bad yesterday.  Just tired.  I think I'm toeing the line between sick and healthy so I'm just doing the sleep, and a little soup thing right now. 

Monday I leave for a work trip, and will be gone through Thursday.  So I won't be posting those days.  No laptop to take with me.  I'll be very tired of eating out (don't worry, I'll keep it to good things) and being in a hotel, that I'll be very happy to get home and Do things. 

mizcat avatar
Date Posted: 1/2/2009 12:04 PM ET
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Welcome Tiffanie!! Honestly, the WW diet is easy to follow! Just write down what you eat (even if you have a small piece of candy... it counts!) and use the online points calculator.

Also, it isn't a "must have" but if you ever decide to splurge on a cookbook, I recommend the Hungry Girl as it has some simple to make, yummy-licious recipes. AND the Weight Watchers cookbooks are awesome! I love mine! :o)

So ok... what are some goals for everyone? I like to set several small goals.

My current list is:

  • EXERCISE!!! I want to put in at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week! I have the Wii Fit and it is awesome! Such a variety of exercises and it tracks your progress! Yay!!!
  • EAT RIGHT!!! I want to eat right ALL week! My goal is to have only 1 "splurge meal" a month. Not a meal that puts flab on my thighs, but a meal that isn't in my regular diet. A special meal.
  • Lose 5 lbs in January! By working on my first two goals, this one should be achievable! :o)
  • Drop FAST FOOD!! The past month has brought more fast food than I care to think about. And even though I kept to my points, it still isn't healthy and I think that's why I'm not feeling my best! So for January, I want to keep my fast food meals below 7! That's really hard for me, because we have such a hectic schedule.. but it's possible! I'll be packing salads instead!

I'm still working on what I want to achieve long-term here. But I'll post it when I figure it out. :o)


Weigh-In form 

HP Tracking 

Last Edited on: 8/19/12 3:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 2:02 PM ET
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Thanks, Carol :)

I have the Wii Fit too and one of my goals is to get on it AT LEAST 5 days a week. Even if I'm not feeling well I can do a few minutes of some of the easier exercises and on the days I'm feeling good I want to do more of the step work. I really miss the DDR game I used to play and that was great exercise so I would really like to get DDR for my Wii. That really motivates me! :)

We need to cut back down on fast food especially with the dishwasher issue it's very tempting to eat lots of fast food! Today we are getting Wendy's for lunch. I woke up with a really horrible migraine (almost got ill) and so I'm on lots of meds right now and not feeling well so hubby offered to go pick something up :) The one day of fast food that I have no plans on giving up is Sunday morning. We always get McDonald's on Sunday morning so we can enjoy a yummy (fast) breakfast before we have to get ready for church. We get egg mcmuffins (which actually aren't all that bad for you) and a hash brown (not that good for you) and coffee.

My main goal is to make sure I eat every few hours. If I don't do that, I won't lose weight no matter how little or much I eat.

I'm also taking cinnamon so hopefully that will help with the weight loss as well.

The other main goal is like I said, exercising more (even if it's just working heavily around the house). So my two main goals are making sure I eat every few hours (this is so hard for me, this will be my biggest challenge) and 'moving' more. :)


Still wondering, any advice on what food scale to get? I know I want digital and I'm wondering if I should get one with that option that it'll take out the weight of whatever container you use? I will also want to use this as a 'postal scale' too. No reason to buy two different scales that can do the same thing, right?


The best part of this is, I think hubby is actually going to join me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he sticks with it! If he doesn't, I just pray he won't try to get me to stop. I can not live this way anymore. I try not to even let him see me naked even though I think he prefers fat women. Maybe that's why he always sabotages me? LOL

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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 2:03 PM ET
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I'm really glad that we are all doing this together and have one another to support and encourage! :)

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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 6:42 PM ET
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How do you calculate men's points? Trying to figure out how many hubby should be having.

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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 7:10 PM ET
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Okay, so I think I said before... for this weekend I'm just going to eat normally and get used to the system (tracking what I'm eating and adding up the points) so I don't get frustrated with myself and so it gives me time to go get groceries and a scale and work on my kitchen.

Anyway, I will probably spread my 'extra points' out over the week unless I know I have something special coming up (like for hubby's bday we'll prob go out to eat). I may or may not have a little something this evening but I added up all my points (including the cream and sugar from my coffee) and I've had 30 points today. I'm feeling really good about this because I'm not actually 'trying' yet. Today I ate pretty much whatever the hell I wanted and didn't care (just grateful to get food in me after battling this migraine all day).

The reason I feel so good about that is because I feel like since I only had 30 points today (it may end up a little higher, we'll see) and I wasn't trying. I don't think I'll struggle with this too much (hopefully) once I am trying. I'm starting to feel like this is much more doable than I have thought in the past. I can have 26 OR 31 points a day according to the first post if I spread out those extra points.

One thing I was a little shocked to find out is that one slice of cheese is 2 points! ACK! I also figured out that one oz of chocolate covered pretzels is 3 points. Good to know!

I'm curious about something. While using the calculator I see how it has a calculation for fiber in there so fiber must make a difference. So.... if I add benefiber to something I make do I add extra fiber into the count of the meal to calculate it for points? How will that change it?

Sorry, I'll probably have a lot of weird questions like that LOL

Also, there are times where I can't eat solid foods and all I can have for several days are milkshakes, Ensure, Stouffer's mac & cheese and during those times I also drink lots of Slurpee's which I'm sure is a big no-no but at that point, reducing pain trumps weight loss so this will be interesting to try to do points while I'm stuck doing that but I'm hoping that it won't set me back really badly. Any thoughts?

Does anyone know the points count on Slurpees?

If you're wondering why in the world I have to eat that way sometimes... check out this link  the autoimmune disease I have causes me to get sores in my mouth and they often get so bad and I have so many that my mouth is so swollen and painful that I can't even talk. What you'll see on the pics on that page isn't really a big deal. When I get just one like that, I'm just careful not to eat anything acidic. I can get between a half to a dozen at a time, it's very painful! The slurpee's and milkshakes reduce the swelling and thus the pain.

I do appreciate all the help! I'm really anal and like to have all my duckies in a row. :)

carolceltic avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 9:51 PM ET
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tiffanie welcome  i ready for this i got to weight in tommorow i use scale in co mmunity room because i like doctor scale.

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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 10:04 PM ET
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That's great, Carol!!!!

We can do this together!!! :)


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Date Posted: 1/2/2009 11:39 PM ET
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I don't think I can count WW points, I have no weight watchers food and all. I've done the fat gram counting before with an exercise and food journal. What's the difference ???

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 1/3/2009 1:51 AM ET
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There is no "WW" food.  Sure they have TV dinners and snacks and breads but, on WW you can eat "regular": food!  Take a look at the links for counting the food.

This is today's menu on the WW site for a total of 18 points for the day.  The snack is for a whenever in the day.

It's just an example of what you really can eat on WW these days.

POINTS value
Hummus with Sweet Red Pepper 3
  1 cup(s) sweet red pepper(s) with 0
  2 tbsp store-bought hummus  1
  3/4 cup(s) fat-free sugar-free pudding  2


POINTS value
Toast with Cream Cheese and Banana 5
  1 slice(s) high-fiber bread toasted, and topped with 1
  1 tbsp cream cheese  1
  1 large cappuccino, made with fat-free milk  2
  1/2 large banana(s)  1
POINTS value
Honey-Cranberry Pork Salad 6
  2 cup(s) mixed greens  0
  1/2 cup(s) celery sliced 0
  2 tbsp scallion(s) chopped 0
  3/4 cup(s) sugar snap peas  0
  2 oz cooked pork tenderloin thinly sliced 2
  2 tbsp dried cranberries  1
  1 tbsp lite honey mustard dressing  1
  1 medium soft breadstick  2
Combine vegetables and arrange pork on top. Toss with dressing and cranberries. Complement with breadsticks.

POINTS value
Take-out Pizza 4
  1 serving(s) Domino’s Pizza® Pizza Toppings (Medium Feast Pizza) Extra Pepperoni & Extra Cheese Pizza, Crunchy Thin Crust, 1/8 of 14-inch  3
  1/2 tbsp mayonnaise-type salad dressing  1
  2 cup(s) mixed greens  0
