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The Client
The Client
Author: John Grisham
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/22/2011
Helpful Score: 2

For me personally, the book was a little hard to get into at first. But of course, thats probably just because of my broken reading tendencies because as the story unfolded, I got more and more hooked on the story; on the edge of my seat, anxious to find out what would happen next!

Mark Sway is a kid you cant help but admire and fall in love with. At 11 years old, he is experiencing something NO child should ever be face with. Yet, hes determined to protect his family at all costs, proving to be wiser than his years.

Reggie Love is a feisty lawyer who helps kids (who she refers to as clients) overlooked or abused by the system. She definitely goes above and beyond her call of duty when it comes to her little clients. When danger arose after meeting Mark Sway she would do anything to protect him; even if that meant putting her own life in the hands of an 11 year old boy with a crazy plan

Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this book. The book, although law-related, is easy to read because of Grishams writing style. It contains a great story with unique characters and unbelievable suspense. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good suspense, thriller. I also recommend the movie if you haven't already seen it!

DISCLAIMER: This review although my own, contains some rephrasing of the original blurb written by the author. Specifically, the character descriptions.

I Am Legend
I Am Legend
Author: Richard Matheson
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/22/2011

After watching the Will Smith blockbuster THEN reading the book, I was very surprised at how very different they were; feeling theyre almost two seperate stories. I was also surprised that the book was actually a collection of short stories by Matheson; all of which were good. However, this review focus on the title of the book and story, I Am Legend.

This story follows Robert Neville, the last man on Earth, as he struggles to survive in a world taken over by a vampiric plague, which he appears to be immune to. Youre immediately thrown into the current existence of Neville. Its in his flashbacks that we learn of his past where you cant help but feel his pain and root him on as we follow his attempts at survival and destruction of the undead. By day, he scours the city for food and supplies but spends most of his time repairing his house and carving stakes. By night, as the vampires call out to him and try to break into his house, he struggles with lonliness and sexual frustration. Even with his drink of choice and classical music he blares every night to drown out the vampires isnt enough to keep the depression at bay. However, along the way, he begins to conduct his own investigation to understand and maybe even cure the plague. Neville is by no means a scientist but with the library as his aid, he is able to perform scientific experiments which sheds light on logical causes of the worldwide epidemic.

Although, different from the movie, I still enjoyed the book just as much. Going back to old school vampires straight from vampire myths: garlic, stakes, mirrors, sunlight etc sets this story apart from modern day vampire novels. I was immediately drawn in, so engrossed in the story; anxious to find out what happens next! Wrapping it up and tieing it with a bow, it has an ending you wont see coming. I definately recommend this book especially to those who enjoy science fiction, horror and classic vampires. Do you dare join him on this journey?

Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/22/2011
Helpful Score: 1

I was first turned on to the book, Pride and Prejudice, when I picked up a copy of Wuthering Heights at my local book store. On the inside cover it suggested not to miss Pride and Prejudice and Romeo & Juilet. So of course, I bought them as well!

When I first started reading the book, being that it was written in 1813 and the language being slightly different then, I found the book a little hard to get into. Although, once I got to know the characters and the story began to unfold, I found myself unable to put the book down (literally). The romance, as well as the relationship, between Elizabeth Bennet & Mr. Darcy was highly intriguing and only added to the chemistry that makes this love story truly amazing! Now, I dont want to give away any of the juiciness that lies within the book so I wont say anymore. Youll really just have to read the book!

NOTE: While browsing around, it appears that other authors have written books continuing the Pride and Prejudice story regarding the lives and love of Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet. So that might be worth looking into for those whove already read and fell in love with, Pride and Prejudice!

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