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How To Read All The Paperback Books You Want For FREE (Website) - 1/1/2009 by Janie Sullivan
Are your shelves full of paperback books you have read? Would you like to read other books, but don’t want to pay $5-$10 each for new ones? Would you like to get rid of those boxes of old books but just can’t bring yourself to throwing away a book? There are ways you can do both- get rid of your old books and get new ones to read. Getting new books is free, and sending your old books off will cost you only the postage to do so. How? Join an online book trading club!

Difficulty: Easy
Things You’ll Need:

* A minimum of 9 paperback and/or hard cover books
* A computer
* A printer
* A desire to read

Start by searching online for a free book swapping club. There are several. I have listed two of them in the resources section of this article. I use, although from what I read, Title Trader works the same way.
Finding All the Books Finding All the Books Once you have selected the club you want to join, gather up all your old paperbacks (most of these clubs also take hard cover books, too). You will want to make sure they are all in good shape, not missing their covers, etc. Find the ISBN number on the back cover. You will enter this number into the Website so the club can list your book.
Once you have listed your books, you will automatically get one or more ‘credits’ to your account. Now you can go ‘shopping’ on the club’s Website and find a book or two that you want to read. Order it. The club member you ordered it from will mail it to you and in a few days you will have a book to read that cost you NOTHING!!
Other members will want to order your books. You will get an e-mail telling you that someone has requested a book. When this happens, go to the Website and follow the instructions for printing out the mailing label and shipping the book. Ship the book using MEDIA MAIL – the cheapest way to mail a book. Add the appropriate postage or go to the post office and mail the wrapped book.
Once the other member receives the book, he or she will let the Website know, and you will earn a credit! Save them up and order a bunch of books at once, or order a new book whenever you get a credit – it is easy, fun, and you get to read more books along with getting rid of your old books!
Traveling Books Traveling Books Once you have read a book, you can re-list it – and send it off to someone else who wants to read it. PaperBackSwap tracks the ‘travels’ of the books so you can see where each one you are reading has been. You can also see where all your books have gone.
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Tips & Warnings

* Keep several different denominations of stamps on hand so you don’t have to run to the post office every time. Books that weigh less than 13 ounces (most paperbacks)can just be dropped in a mailbox with the proper postage on them.
* Buy a cheap postal scale to weigh the package – the club website will estimate the weight and postage amount, but if you have you own scale you can enter the exact weight in and the website will tell you how much postage to add to the package.
* You might get rid of all your old books, but you will be adding to the bookshelf with new ones, so remember to save space!


* PaperBackSwap