Matt L. reviewed Money Clips : 365 Tips From the Simple to the Sophisticated for Making, Saving, and Investing Your Money on + 8 more book reviews
Whether you\'re newly graduated, newly employed, newly married, or newly retired, this little book from one of Wall Street\'s biggest moneymakers has something to teach you. Loaded with helpful information that is presented creatively and entertainingly, it offers tips on every aspect of personal finance--from choosing a career path to landing a job; making a budget to sticking to it; choosing your insurance to planning for retirement. Lorraine Spurge\'s delightful, no-nonsense style is never condescending, whether she\'s deciphering investment jargon or walking you through a newspaper\'s financial section. Filled with the kind of empowering and practical advice that comes with working one\'s way from the bottom rung to the top of the corporate ladder, Money Clips is an invaluable reference that shows how to make the most of your most valuable asset: yourself.