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Topic: Saugatuck, MI

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vprosser avatar
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Subject: Saugatuck, MI
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 2:16 PM ET
Member Since: 7/14/2005
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We are going on vacation next week to Saugatuck, MI, which is on Michigan's west coast right on Lake Michigan.  We have been there numerous times, but I thought I would let you all know that not only is a creative, laid-back atmosphere, it is also very gay friendly.  In fact, they have two resorts that are highly regarded:

The Dunes, which they advertise as the Midwest's largest gay & lesbian resort


The Roxie, an all women hotel

Needless to say, I haven't actually stayed at either place, but I thought I would share the info with you that there IS a cool place to go in Michigan where, gay or straight, you're welcomed!  Though it's not exactly an inexpensive area, either...but nothing on Lake Michigan really is.  LOL

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 3:30 PM ET
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Thanks, Valerie!!!

JavaJuice avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 10:46 PM ET
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Here's some places to go to eat: The Boathouse in Saugatauk has excellent crabcakes.

In Douglas, Blue Moon Cafe on Red Arrow Hwy & The Everday People Cafe in downtown Douglas are excellent - the B&B I use to work at made reservations at both places all the time for guests. Blue Moon is a little pricey, but I hear the food & atmosphere is worth is.

In South Haven - Tosi's in downtown also has great food.

Saugatauk has a lot of cute shops - great if you love shopping!  Go to & check out what they have to say about various places in Saugatauk - I use Trip Advisor when ever I'm going someplace unfamiliar.

And when you pass the Benton Harbor exit make sure you wave!! ;-)



Last Edited on: 7/20/07 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
vprosser avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 9:56 AM ET
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Mary, for some reason I thought you lived up north somewhere!  I haven't been to Benton Harbor in years though.  Thanks for the restaurant recommendations!  I know I've eaten at Tosi's in South Haven & the Boat House...I'll have to give the others a try one of these days.  :)

JavaJuice avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 10:39 AM ET
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I'm originally from Allegan co. & DP is originally from Muskegan/Grand Haven area.  Benton Harbor is on a slow positive change for the better, but it's still really hard to see all the boarded up homes & businesses.

Tosi's is no longer on North Shore Drive in South Haven, they moved to downtown S.H., just in case you decide to head in that direction for food....

Enjoy your vacation - right now the weather is wonderful - a beautiful 75 degrees right now!

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/21/2007 1:07 AM ET
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We used to stay at the Dunes when we were in the Midwest.  Had lots of fun there!!