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Topic: Do you ever wonder.... (weird/New Age question)

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L. G. (L)
Subject: Do you ever wonder.... (weird/New Age question)
Date Posted: 5/31/2007 8:52 PM ET
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...if you are fascinated by a certain time period or era because you previously lived in that time period (and are reincarnated)?

I have always been fascinated with India, especially in the 1800's and also the Pilgrims, as I mentioned in another thread.  I have no reason for my fascination, and sometimes I wonder it it might be soul memory...

MarciNYC avatar
Date Posted: 5/31/2007 9:10 PM ET
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Interesting theory, L. 

I have strong interests in certain places/periods - which after having a past life reading happen to match up.  Take that for what it's worth, but I think there's a bit of merit to your thought.

GowerMeower avatar
Date Posted: 5/31/2007 9:58 PM ET
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I have always been told I am an "old soul", so you never know. I've always felt somewhat connected to what I enjoy reading about most, and actually enjoy history more than historical fiction. Perhaps because I've "been there" before? Interesting thought.

achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 5/31/2007 10:13 PM ET
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Interesting theory, LG.  Ancient Egypt has always been my thing even in elementary school.  Early San Francisco through the 1906 earthquake has always intrigued me.  That may be because my Irish ancestors showed up on the scene around 1853.

I have always loved history though.  It was my favorite part of school.


Last Edited on: 5/31/07 10:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 6/1/2007 7:52 AM ET
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I never discount's certainly a possibility. I have a fascination with the Black Death so I wonder if it's something I've lived through or something? Or perhaps died during? Dunno.


MeMyshelf&I avatar
Date Posted: 6/2/2007 1:10 AM ET
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I get interested in various historical periods as I do research for my family tree.  If the family line I'm working on happens to be Civil War or Revolutionary War period, I lean towards those books.  If I am researching my Scottish ancestry - gimme all those Highlanders.  I love getting the feel of the time period and language as I get to know the ancestor(s) I am working on.

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Date Posted: 6/5/2007 10:42 AM ET
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... L, You sound just like me, am fascinated with pre Civil War South and love books, fiction and non fiction of that era. I do not believe in reincarnation but told my hsband  "if I did  believe it I was a VERY rich southern belle in pre-war Charleston, S.C. in my past life"lol...I have such an affinity ,kinda like a "De Je Vous"(sp) sense every time we visit there.Kinda like a" familiarity " with the sights ,sounds, smells ,etc...  that I don't feel in other places. Sound weird?

  I also like to read Cynthia Harrod-Eagles series about England from about 1100 to present day. haven't read them all but am fascinated by royalty and sequence to the throne. ...Fiction reading with wonderful characters and as nearly accurate a historical accout as you will find.

 Maeve Binchy,another fav, will make  you fall in love with Ireland ,wonderful story teller,eclectic characters,and vivid discriptives of small towns loves and life are enthralling...have read all her books and haven't met one I didn't love! LoL...Pam


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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 6/6/2007 2:38 AM ET
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Pam, I have had that same experience more than once - and have had it happen ever since I was a kid.  Certain places were just incredibly familiar and I am not sure why.


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Date Posted: 6/7/2007 1:55 AM ET
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 L, I have never really tried to explain this "sense" or "familiarity" to anyone but my husband and I think  he thinks I was joking. But I really do get these "longings" to be in some of these places I read about or visit. It's hard to try to make people understand these emotions if they've never experienced them. I LIKE other place we vacation  or visit but I don't get the same emotions or yearnings  I do at others. Like you I wonder why.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 6/9/2007 6:43 AM ET
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And for me it involves multiple senses - almost like a deja vu, but a little different.  I also have dreams of being an Indian slave in occupied India and in England.  It really makes me wonder.


lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 6/12/2007 7:38 PM ET
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Omigosh, I wonder this a lot!!!  What's weird is I went to Scotland 5 years ago with my sister and we LOVED it but in a way it was almost anti-climatic cuz for some reason everything seemed familiar.  What's really weird, we were on a tour at Glamis Castle and a bunch of people were pointing to me and then to something on a wall....I looked, and it was a painting of someone who looked very much like me!  (I know with past lives we don't look the same or are even the same gender, etc,  butit was just really spooky!)

I'd like to find a reputable person to do a past life regression and have it tape recorded.  I don't want someone telling me who they thought I was in a past life, I want to be able to tell them!

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 6/14/2007 4:13 PM ET
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I have often thought along these lines. Also I suppose in a contra way as well. Certain time periods interest me - The Biblical period, the Civil War Period, The Victorian Age. On the other side of the coin I have zero interest in anything to do with the period of time involving WWll. ...movies or books. I would almost say it is beyond a lack of interest and almost a feeling of anxiety about that time.

I have had the crazy thought that if there is such a thing as reincarnation perhaps I died in WWll and do not want to revisit that era, while I may have had a peaceful death in the other eras that do hold my interest.

A little spooky, maybe.

jobun avatar
Date Posted: 6/21/2007 9:29 AM ET
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I have always always had a fascination with the Revolutionary war period. In my 6th grade autograph book when they ask you who your hero was, I wrote Paul Revere.

I've read George Washingtons biography - His Honor George Washington, and I have 1776 in my bookcase to read.

I'm enamoured of Ancient Egypt and I love the Emerson Peabody stories by Elizabeth Peters. I've read them over and over.

Victoian era as well. I love the costumes, the houses, the whole lifestyle.

I'm also into Pirates, but that's a whole other issue.

MsScarlett avatar
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Date Posted: 6/25/2007 4:22 PM ET
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Heloise avatar
Date Posted: 6/26/2007 12:51 PM ET
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I'm a believer in reincarnation, or some form of such.  Maybe soul memories - who knows?  I think it explains a lot about why we are interested in a certain time period or place.  When I entered Muchelney Abbey in England I had a flash that I had been there before.  It was almost a vision.   It also explains why we have relationships with certain people - we may have known them in a previous life and we are trying to work out something that was left undone.  I got a book from PBS by Dick Sutphen called "You Were Born Again To Be Together" - about couples who were together in previous lives and are still together in the present one, or who have encounters with each other.


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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 10:37 PM ET
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You know, when it came around the time in HS History to cover the storm of the Bastilles, I suddenly had this incredible feeling like I was there.  It was very creepy but it did help me pay attention in class that day (probably the only day I did- mah) and since then I've been into things about the French Revolution.  So weird.