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List created by Christina Q. on May 17, 2024
List Votes: 1 Books: 5 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Closed
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Christina Q.
To Have and to Hold (Cactus Creek Cowboys, Bk 1) by Leigh Greenwood
A Stranger to the Rescue Colby Blaine has been a longer his whole life. And he isn't about to change now. But that doesn't mean he can ignore people in trouble. When he rides up to an inexperienced wagon train under attack, he doesn't hesitate to jump into the fray. It's only...  more

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Christina Q.
To Love and to Cherish (Cactus Creek Cowboys, Bk 2) by Leigh Greenwood
Torn Between a Desire to be Free... When Laurie Spencer said "I do", she never realized she'd be trading one pair of shackles for another -- until her husband's unexpected death leaves her with an opportunity to escape her controlling family for good. Determined to be...  more

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Christina Q.
Coming Up Roses by Catherine Anderson
NO ROSE CAN BLOSSOM WITHOUT LOVE 1890, Oregon Widow Kate Blakely knew nothing of love -- but she knew plenty about unhappiness. She'd married young, hoping to put down roots in a safe haven, but her husband had shattered her naiveté and made her fear for her beloved...  more

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Christina Q.
Haven by Carolyn Davidson
Though it hadn't killed him, the gunshot wound to his chest was going to keep Sheriff Aaron McBain out of commission for a while. So he spent his days thinking about where he'd seen Susannah Carvel's face before. By the time he'd recovered enough to recall that it had been on a Wanted...  more

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Christina Q.
Nightsong by Carolyn Davidson
On the run and in search of a hideout, Tyler had come to the isolated farmhouse expecting to find an older lady in need of a helping hand. Instead he found Debra Nightsong, an independent young woman whose exotic beauty mesmerized him. He'd vowed not to take advantage of the situation he'd...  more

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