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Jude G. (blissmountain) - Reviews

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The Bookshop by the Bay
The Bookshop by the Bay
Author: Pamela M. Kelley
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

i was hesitant to rate this book with 4 stars because it wasn't totally worthy of it. if i could rate it 3.5 that would sit better. i zipped through this book in about 24 hours so it was definitely an easy read. definitely a beach read. definitely the book i needed after reading some intense books and about to read more deep stuff. so i needed something light and fluffy. the characters are likable and believable. a multi generational group of women, all struggling with their identities, their relationships with the men in their lives and their career paths. and there was a bookstore involved. that always makes me happy. i would've enjoyed more details about the bookstore and books. it was predictable but had some tense moments as well. maybe 4 stars is just right after all............

The Covenant of Water
The Covenant of Water
Author: Abraham Verghese
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

i'm not sure another review of this book is needed but here i am anyway. i adored the author's book "cutting for stone" and was excited to read this one. maybe it's the difference of many years between the two but i was definitely not happy about holding a 700 page book endlessly. i think the book would've been fine, more than fine, at 500 pages. hell, maybe even 400 pages! what i loved? following the history of the land itself and the families who lived there. just beautiful. what i didn't love? i didn't feel that pull to read forever. i didn't want to keep those characters with me forever. without spoiling it for anyone, the closing of the book, the pulling together of the entire story, did leave me feeling more complete, so i'm grateful for that. and i am sure that i would've enjoyed the audio book version more, for all reasons.

The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food, and Love
The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food, and Love
Author: Kristin Kimball
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

ever dream of living your life in the city to take up farming in the middle of nowhere? finding that all of your sleek hip black clothes no longer work while milking a cow or mucking in mud. and worse. that's what kristin did. and as a born and bred new yorker, i can relate. kristin takes us through the four seasons of the year and shows us the nuts and bolts of building a working farm from scratch. it takes all the romanticism out of it, that's for sure. what it leaves is the beauty of nature and community and our relationship with the land and the animals. kristin also writes of the growth of her new relationship with mark, her farm partner, and soon to be husband. they have a "fiery" relationship. does that resonate for any of you readers out there? this is a lovely read.

Exiles (Aaron Falk, Bk 3)
Exiles (Aaron Falk, Bk 3)
Author: Jane Harper
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

aaron falk is back and he is a delightful character, full of vulnerability, brains and kindness. there are tons of wonderful personalities in this book and we get to know a bunch of them well. in the most perfect way, the book gently meanders along and then the tension really rises in the final part of the book. i have loved all of jane harper's previous 4 books. this one joins the ranks. looking forward to the next one.

The Finders Keepers Library
The Finders Keepers Library
Author: Annie Rains
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

do you like to hang out with books/libraries/gardens/small towns and nice people? this book is for you. the characters are well developed, kind hearted and flawed, as all humans are. there is time to explore a lovely garden, a backyard free library, and inside your heart, too. this book is soft but not sappy. it would make for a great beach or vacation read and also a wintry day inside by the fire.

First Frost (Waverley Family, Bk 2) (Audio CD) (Unabridged)
Review Date: 3/31/2024

if this story is predictable, it doesn't detract from the fun you will have reading it. the waverly women are eccentric and emotional and electric and engaging. the supporting
cast of men in the book add the needed balance. if you love old homes and some magic, you won't be disappointed. favorite character: bay. she has the kind of confidence i wish i'd
had when i was 15. i read allen's first book in this series, garden spells, many years ago and hardly remember it. first frost stands alone beautifully.

Funny Story
Funny Story
Author: Emily Henry
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/28/2024

i am 69 years old and this book is about 30 somethings. a tiny bit of it was unrelatable for me but mostly it's about a lovely human named daphne who is trying to land, to find her place in the world. she goes from being buttoned up, literally and figuratively, to opening up, blossoming and healing. she meets lovely people along the way who befriend her and encourage her to be herself. there is nothing new, theme wise, in the story, but it's incredibly entertaining. oh and did i mention hot? daphne's love interest, miles, is definitely a guy we'd all like to have met. or meet. oh, and daphne is a librarian. if you've read any of my other reviews, i gravitate towards libraries and librarians. this book delivers. including a huge read-a-thon. and there are some moments outdoors, with beaches and dunes and lakes and kayaks and lavender farms that are delicious. i listened to the audio book and the narrator, julia whelan, was excellent. i am going to explore more of her projects.

The Good Sister
The Good Sister
Author: Sally Hepworth
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/15/2024

if you loved "elinor oliphant is completely fine" or "the reading list", you will love "the good sister" too. the main character, fern, is magnetic. and her new beau, "wally" (aka rocco ryan), is a perfect match for her. the awkward but genuine romance and friendship that grows between them is just lovely. but there is more. there is the dark side, the twin sister, rose. i'll go no further, no spoilers.
oh and fern works in the library. which is always my favorite milieu. read this book!

Half Magic
Half Magic
Author: Edward Eager
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

the singer and poet and author patti smith brought me to this book. this was one of her favorite childhood books. it was written in 1954, a year before i was born, intriguing me further. it was refreshing to read a children's book devoid of modern bells and whistles. there is magic in this book, in the form of an ancient coin but the other magic is one of kids being kids and how they navigate the rather ordinary world of adults, their community and their far from ordinary imaginations. there are plenty of politically incorrect moments in this book, as another reviewer wrote about, but that isn't the reason to read this. read this book to be transported back to a childhood where kids are kids.

The Hunger Habit: Why We Eat When We're Not Hungry and How to Stop
Review Date: 3/31/2024

jud brewer has that brilliant combination of nerdy smarts, dry wit and warmth abounding. he presents a book to those of us who have spent our lives struggling with our relationship with food.
the first part of the book is about the science and his programs and his patients. and himself.
the second part of the book is a 21 day program, which one can read and digest as quickly or as slowly as one wants. i chose to read through once and then go back and begin again, taking more time to really digest the details, both what was being offered and what was housed inside of me. this book is about becoming mindful and present with oneself and our bodies, and how to take that awareness and create new helpful habits to replace old unhelpful ones. this book defuncts willpower, counting calories and the food police. one of my favorite parts is about the "committee" that lives inside our head, talking all the time about what we should do (diet and restrict), how we should feel (ashamed and guilty) and how to quiet and disband that committee, one voice at a time. don't hesitate to pick this book up. it's a good one!

Last Summer at the Golden Hotel
Last Summer at the Golden Hotel
Author: Elyssa Friedland
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

as cliched a story as this is, it's more. if you are a jewish new york baby boomer, chances are you knew the catskills scene back in the 60's and 70's. i spent my summers at sleep away camp minutes away from all of the borscht belt hotels. they were legendary. in the early 2000's i had the opportunity to work as a massage therapist at the last hotel still in operation. the place was falling apart but the nostalgia and charm and energy was still alive. this book has a bittersweet vibe to it.
it is the story of two families who become one family. it includes 4 generations and i found myself growing to love them the further i read. there are tons of current terms in the book which rub up against the vintage feel of the golden hotel. but somehow, it works! a good beach read.

Lessons in Chemistry
Lessons in Chemistry
Author: Bonnie Garmus
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

so so many people have already read this book. so i'll just pop in to share a few things. firstly, i listened to the audiobook and there is an interview at the end with the author which was the absolute best part of the book for me. second favorite part was elizabeth zott's cooking show "dinner at 6". however unrealistic it was (remember, guys, this is FICTION), she really inspired her female audience. my favorite character was by far "mad". what a quirky, smart, sensitive, kind and inquisitive kid.

The Memory of Lavender and Sage
The Memory of Lavender and Sage
Author: Aimie K. Runyan
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

this is a book that puts you right there in provence, france, amidst beautiful countryside, generations of families and friends who have lived there forever, and charm abounding
we follow tempesta from new york, where she is living a tight unhappy life, to the south of france, where she blooms, along with her lovely herbs. a delightful love story that
encompasses both human suffering and joy. it has lots of spirit!

The Miracles of Prato: A Novel
The Miracles of Prato: A Novel
Author: Laurie Albanese, Laura Morowitz
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

this historical fiction story takes place in the early renaissance period of the late 1400's. i was drawn to it for both the historical fiction genre and the time period. anything about art works for me. i was less than enthralled early in the book but at some point things really turned around for me and i was swept into the taut narrative. the characters range from the ladies at the convent to the politically powerful italian men who ran things, to a love affair between a novitiate and a prominent artist. this is a good read.

Miss Morgan's Book Brigade: A Novel
Miss Morgan's Book Brigade: A Novel
Author: Janet Skeslien Charles
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/11/2024

good historical fiction is such a pleasure to read. we get a focused mirror into the past and we get a good story, too. miss morgan's book brigade does that well. the focus is books, of course. it's about libraries, in all shapes and sizes, from the NYPL (new york public library, the library of my childhood) to a shelf and restored ambulance in war torn france during world war one. there are two time lines, one during that war and one during the year 1987, at this iconic library. this book is about love and loss, it's about standing up for what you believe in, and it's about allowing one's heart to open, even after painful and difficult times. this is also about women finding ways to fully contribute and be acknowledged for their hard work. this is not an easy book but it is a truly worthwhile read.

The Music of Bees
The Music of Bees
Author: Eileen Garvin
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

i read this book over two days. i couldn't put it down. there is so much grit and love in this story. the most beautiful part is that eileen garvin is able to show each character's individuality and vulnerabilities, and we get to watch each one of them grow into people who find themselves. we meet alice and jake and harry and "the girls", the honeybees. and the author offers us up some not so nice characters, too, who get their comeuppance. it's a really great ride and i highly recommend you take it.

Real Life and Other Fictions
Real Life and Other Fictions
Author: Susan Coll
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/20/2024

i was all over the place while listening to this book. perhaps because the book itself was all over the place. i loved the locales of maryland, d.c. and west virginia. all familiar to me. and WV beloved. i live 20 minutes over the border into PA from WV and it truly is a magical state. there is historical fiction at play in this book. about the silver bridge accident in 1967 that took the lives of many people, including the main character's parents. the narrator, jane oppenheimer, has a fabulous voice and she kept me going, even when i wasn't loving the story. if you're into cryptids (Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster) you will love this because it is about the Mothman. i'm not. so that part of the story was difficult/boring for me. but there was plenty more to dig into. there is a ton of dysfunctional nuclear and extended family dynamics at play which really underscore the entire story, however subtly they appear. there are fabulous dogs, a mix of husky and labrador, which pleases me to no end as my own dog is one of those. we call her a "huskador" but the book calls them "luskys". there is some lovely romance, too, in the form of a white knight who studies cryptids. oops, the main character is cassie. she is forgetful and clumsy and legitimately confused about her place in this world. she's definitely going through a mid life crisis and her husband lives in the basement. oy. there are writers and scholars and weathermen and NPR shows and a big snowstorm and christmas and a hibachi steak house. it is a seemingly free for all that comes together beautifully in the end.

The River We Remember
The River We Remember
Author: William Kent Krueger
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/22/2024

i couldn't put this book down. i had read the author's book "this tender land" and loved it and was looking forward to this one. and it did not disappoint. this is historical fiction at its best. set in rural farmland in minnesota, the book is filled with rich characters and exquisite descriptions of the land itself, including the alabaster river. set in the 1950's, this is a coming of age story about two boys, the lives of many war veterans, and the strong women who love them.

Sea of Tranquility
Sea of Tranquility
Author: Emily St. John Mandel
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/31/2024

what a wild ride. half way through the book i was utterly confused, unengaged and not sure i wanted to finish it. then things started knitting together and i enjoyed the second half of the book. i will say that i found the book convoluted. yeah, it's about time travel. and like most fiction today, it goes back and forth between characters and time periods. but this book was very challenging for me. i really liked all of the characters. and this book was very much other worldly. good luck!

The Secret Book of Flora Lea
The Secret Book of Flora Lea
Author: Patti Callahan Henry
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/1/2024

i really loved this book. from start to finish. it's got a solid historical fiction story line going with the children of london being evacuated during world war two. it's about books, both real and imagined, including a special book shop or two. the main characters are memorable as are the secondary ones.
there are lots of eccentric characters who are also believable. don't hesitate to read this special one.

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