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Topic: Anyone know the title of this book?

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Subject: Anyone know the title of this book?
Date Posted: 9/23/2008 12:44 AM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2006
Posts: 436
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Hello all,

There is this romance book I read about 6 or 8 years ago. Surprisingly, I don't really want to read the book again. Despite having read the book only once and so long ago, I remember vividly much of the plot. However, the inability to remember the title is driving me crazy! Just to get this figured out, I would like to know the title and author of this book.

Here are some details:

I don't remember the hero and heroine's names, but I do remember the antagonist's name. But before I get to that I'll start off with the basic idea of the book...

I believe the hero comes home one day and finds that his wife has disappeared. There is a broken coffee cup in the kitchen and I think a spot of blood in the bedroom bathroom. For a while the cops search and search, but she is nowhere to be found. Naturally, the hero is suspected, but there is 100% no evidence to suggest that he had anything to do with his wife's disappearance.

Fast forward a couple of years. Hero comes home one day and comes up short when he finds his wife just laying in their bed, acting as if the last couple of years hasn't happened. Of course, she's had a knock to the head, but can't remember a thing of the last couple of years. Her memory is of the morning he left for work, and right then and there it's as if she's welcoming him home after that same day.

That's the beginning part of the book. The reader soon learns about her kidnapper, some dude by the name of Pharoah Khan. There are some scenes were the reader is put into his point of view. He's obsessed with the heroine and determined to find her. Anyway, this guy was some kind of big crime boss. Also, his right-hand man's name was Duke, who sported a long ponytail.

I know a lot more details about this book, but I would hate to put spoilers down for anyone about to read this book. But other stuff that happens is that heroine discovers she has a tattoo of some Egyptian symbol on the back of her neck. She is also found to have returned with hundreds of dollars in a pair of very expensive slacks. Heroine takes the money and winds up buying a gun and learns how to shoot it. The police in the meantime, realize that she's bought a gun. They don't know if they believe her story of not knowing where she was, and her nagging instincts that say she is still in danger.

I'll stop here. Anyone recognize this book? And for anyone wondering, I do recommend it! It was a very intriguing book.


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Date Posted: 9/23/2008 2:31 AM ET
Member Since: 12/7/2005
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This is Remember Me by Sharon Sala.

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Date Posted: 9/23/2008 8:34 AM ET
Member Since: 3/25/2006
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Book Description:

He couldn't forget.

Clay LeGrand's heart shattered the day his wife, Frankie, disappeared. Had she run away? Been kidnapped? Or had she simply left him for another man? Two years later, he's still asking the same burning questions when he comes home to find Frankie in his bed, as if nothing had ever happened.

She couldn't remember.

The shock, outrage and anger in Clay's eyes say it all - he doesn't believe that she can't remember anything about the past two years. He's seen the strange tattoo on her neck, the needle marks on her arm. What's left of their marriage has become an endless loop of unanswered questions and black holes of memory.

But the answers are there, waiting in the shadows, as evil as the interloper who has marked Frankie as his own. This time, he plans to take Frankie away forever. But to get her, he's going to have to get past life's most indomitable force: Clay LeGrand's love for his wife.