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dappledart avatar
Subject: "book journal"
Date Posted: 9/16/2008 3:41 PM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2006
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I had put a post on first thing this morning (at the end of the thread about "new buttons" on the lists). I decided to break procedure and re-post it as it's own question. Maybe someone can better explain the "book journal" feature to me.

I just figured that when you say "book journal" you are talking about a paid feature of PBS that is available in the kiosk. Even after going there and reading about it I am not sure how (or whether) it would work for me. Can you explain more about it? I am particularly interested in "spaces". Is that like a virtual box, or shelf or something? Can a particular book be in more than one "space"? Do I have to own the book (or have it on my transaction history, or something) to put it in a space?

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Date Posted: 9/16/2008 3:44 PM ET
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I've not used the journal myself, but there is a journal tutorial in the Help Center that indicates you can import lists of ISBNs, so presumably the book doesn't need to be on your "previously read" list.  There's also a 7-day trial available, if you want to try it out.


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Date Posted: 9/16/2008 3:47 PM ET
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Hey Dapple,

I used Journal for a while and let it run out.  I simply didn't use it enough for my small amount of books that I have (compared to other people's stacks!).  The 'spaces' is meant that whatever area you keep books in, you can label that space.  So for me, I kept some in a bookshelf in the school room, a bookshelf in my bedroom, a container under my bed, and a container in my school room (for my available books on that one).  So I labeled each space in a way that I would know what it meant and stuck each book in that particular location.  Then when I wanted to read that book, I could look at Journal and know exaclty where it was without having to search 5 different areas of my house.

Don't know if a book could be in more than one space....I never had that problem, as my books never decided to change locations after I placed them...they all always liked their new homes!  LOL  :)  (Seriously, I dont' know....)

I would imagine the books that you would have in your Journal would be books you have on hand.  I don't think they would HAVE to be on your Transaction Archive....I think you could add one manually if you wanted, espeically if you wanted that book in your TBR or on your bookshelf.

Hope that helps!

dappledart avatar
Date Posted: 9/16/2008 4:15 PM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2006
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Let me explain one way I have been using tags to extend my wishlist. Recently the particular tag I was using got deleted and I am having to find and re-mark all of the (hundreds) of books! I am wondering, since people seem to find my tags inappropriate, whether book journal would be a suitable means to accomplish my objective.

One way I use tags to extend my wishlist: I found there were many books that I was a one-person wish list for. I was not able to "get in line" for some popular books because most of my slots were filled with "I'm the only one waiting" books. I decided to tag each of the books "only 1" (meaninging I am the only 1 with it wishlisted) and remove them from my wishlist.

Once a day (or more) I would go to my tags and bring up those books I had tagged "only 1". I was then able to quickly scroll through the list. If any of them showed an "order" button, I could then order that book the very day it was posted while still waiting in line for those wish list books that actually HAVE lines. It was really working well for me! I was able to mark more books and within a week was able to pick up several books that I really wanted, but hadn't prioritized high enough to take up room on my wish list. Last night when I went to check my "only 1" books my tag was GONE and I was very dismayed to find hours of work lost with it.

The reason "notes" doesn't work for this is because I can't go click anywhere and see a nice neat list of every book I have put a note on saying "only 1". could I, for example, have a "space" in my journal where I could keep a list of all of my "only 1" books, and easily look at that list to scroll through and see whether they have been posted?

Last Edited on: 9/16/08 4:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 1