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Topic: My book was recieved with postage due?

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Bizzy1 avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: My book was recieved with postage due?
Date Posted: 7/12/2014 5:01 PM ET
Member Since: 8/23/2009
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After looking at some of the other posts it appears we may need a thread just for this problem LOL!

Anyway I sent out a copy of  Midnight Rising (Midnight Breed, Bk 4) by Lara Adrian on July 3rd.  I put it in one of the duck size 0 padded envelopes not the plastic ones, it was a nice fit with no wiggle room.  The book its self weighted something like 7.8 oz so I rounded it up to 8 oz, I think pbs has it in a 6.9 oz.  I weighted the envelop it weighted .5 oz so I rounded it up to 1 oz.  Then I told pbs when printing my label that my package weighted 9 oz wrapped.  So it printed me off a label for the media mail 1 lb rate of 2.69.  I added the pbs dc to this package so it should have been 2.92 according to pbs.  There is no way this book went over the 1 lb rate, at most it weighted 10 oz but I believe it was actually between 8-9 oz.  Anyway I put on 6 forever stamps (6*.49 = 2.94 covers 2.92 right) because I had some laying around other wise I would have used printable postage.  I then slipped it in the blue box situated right next to my po way before the pick up time for that day.  It should have went out on the 3rd right they were not closed that day were they?  Also for any one who works at a po was USPS closed on Saturday the 5th?  I ask because it appears my package sat for days in that box because it took 6 days what normally takes 1 day max 2 days to get to Iowa from Here:

  1. 7/3/2014 4:43 AM ET - Electronic Shipping Info Received - ELDON, MO
  2. 7/9/2014 10:36 AM ET - Enroute - DES MOINES, IA

The rest of  the delivery scans are pretty straight forward I'm just curious what my package was doing for these days and if my po didn't empty the boxes like they were supposed to or if they were off for more then I didn't know.

Anyway the real question is about postage due.  Today I got a message from the sender saying "Hi! Received the book with postage due. No problem on my end, but someone else might not like it. Just an FYI. Happy Summer Reading!"  But at the top of the page when I go into the transaction archive it gives me the option to give a credit so I'm assuming that they marked this received with a problem.  I know since its my first time it shouldn't be such a big deal but I don't see how this could have possibly been received with postage due.

Is my calculation in the postage wrong?

The only thing I can think of is that their post office charged them more for the DC and if that's is the case is it my fault?  Does anyone else have any other Ideas on why this might have been postage due?  I pm'd the sender back to ask if the po told them why but have not heard back from them yet.  I also asked if it was still in the original packaging I sent it in.  If the po opened it, or it got opened and then had to be put in a different package do they charge postage due at the end if the package then weights more?

Any help is appreciated.  I'd like to make sure this never happens again.  Thanks!

Motleigh avatar
Date Posted: 7/12/2014 5:38 PM ET
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1. Saturday the 5th was a normal work day, but Media Mail is the bottom of the barrel as far as classes of mail, so the sorting plants work up ALL the other mail before sorting Media Mail, Holidays put everything behind, and many times the big mailers are still mailing on the holidays, so the plants do get behind and then play catch up for a few days, and since Media Mail IS the bottom of the sits the longest. 

2.. your local post office did their job and pulled the mail out of the box at the correct time. are you 100% sure you put it in there before the final pull of the day- many times the final pull for the collection boxes is BEFORE the post office closes. If you happened to drop it in after the final pull, it would sit in there until Saturday-as Friday was the holiday. I'm sure they pulled it at-or after the correct time because the district managers run a report every evening to see if the scans( each collection box has a bar code inside it, under where the mail is) for all offices have been done, and if they haven't, the person responsible is called to go pull the box right then, and the managers would be triple checking to make sure everyone went into the holiday clean. I once got a call at 9:30 on a Saturday night to pull a neighboring office, because I was the only person they could reach- they were willing to pay me 2 hours pay (if they call you in to work it's a minimum of 2 hours pay) and 48 miles round trip to go pick up the key at my office, then go to that office to scan the box....Then IF there was ANY collection mail in there-even ONE letter, I was to drive it 78 miles ONE WAY to drop it off at the they would have had to pay me for about 200 miles plus being "on the clock" to correct a missing scan. Luckily, the girl who had actually missed the scan called them back, was right down the street, went and scanned the box and there was no mail in the box (it was in a locked lobby-and the box HAD been pulled, the scan just wasn't done)

3. without knowing how much they were charged postage due, I can't really say what happened. Some things it could be....

   A. did you write "Media Mail" on the package? if not then it went First Class

   B. some of the postage fell off

   C. they charged the retail rate for DC

there might be more reasons, but those are the ones that I can think of right off the top of my head.

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 7/12/2014 10:49 PM ET
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I'm not exactly sure how the RWAP process works for the sender, but I just wanted to let you know that the "give refund" button seems to be on all of the sent books in the Transaction Archive.  It is not necessarily an indicator that this book was reported as a problem.

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/13/2014 1:26 AM ET
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Thanks Betty I don't always send books traditionally and a lot of my newer ones were sent using a mail to a friend option for a swap.  I hadn't noticed it before, but when I went back I noticed it was on all the ones that had been posted traditionally.  And since the receiver still hasn't contacted me back I have no idea if she did RWAP me or not.  I don't usually check out the details page on the transaction archive so when I noticed that I just assumed she had RWAP'd me especially since that wasn't on the others in my archive.  I guess though if I didn't get a credit for sending them it wouldn't be there ; )

Brandy thanks for your comments.

reply 1.) I had assumed it was running slow because of the holiday but when it went five days without getting scanned I was getting worried.

reply 2.) I live close to the PO so I know it got in the box before they close because it was before closing time and I only put it in the blue box because they had tons of cars in front of the store and I hate going in when they are packed.  I believe that the one right next to the post office gets picked up last when they close, but the other ones around town have a sign that says last pick up is at noon.  So I guess they could have changed it or maybe just changed it for the holiday, IDK.  It still should have been emptied on Saturday which is still 5 days to get to Iowa and like I said when I mail it usually only takes 1 - 2 days.  However I guess the holiday could have caused the delay.  I'm just worried that something happened to it in that time that might have caused the postage due problem.  I guess I'll have to wait to see what the receiver has to say about it though.  Because when she emailed me she didn't tell me how much it was for the postage due.

reply 3.)

a.) I used the pbs wrapper and taped it to the package with the printable DC.  It puts Media Mail in the bottom right hand in bright red so I don't think that would have been the problem.  I tape over this part so I know it doesn't get rubbed off.

b.) I guess this could have happened not all postage stamps are made equal ; ) however it was a newer set of stamps and I put them right no the paper wrapper so I wouldn't think that this would have happened.  I told the receiver how many stamps I put on it so I guess if she ever gets back to me I might get to find out.

c.) This is what I'm assuming happened.  Because other than a stamp falling off, or something happening to the packaging that caused it to weight more I can't think of another good possibility.  If she does get back to me and this is what happened can she get a refund since what I put on the postage was the right price?  Or since she already paid it is she out the money.

Also does anyone know if there is a way to find out if she RAWP'd me, would I have gotten an email from the team to let me know about it?  

Last Edited on: 7/13/14 1:27 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 7/13/2014 2:46 PM ET
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Yes, I would think you would receive something detailed from PBS for a RWAP.  Check Club Communications and Personal Messages.  If it was just a friendly FYI, which it seems to be, the subject should be "A Personal Message for a book you sent".  If it was marked as a problem and postage due is one of options for that, the subject might be more like "Problem with a book you sent".

Leslie22 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/13/2014 2:53 PM ET
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You can look in your Transaction Archive. If there is a Red Check to the left, then the book was RWAP'd.  A Green Check shows a satisfactory transaction.  Click on the Check Details. This should show any correspondence attached to the book.

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/14/2014 5:49 AM ET
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Well there is a Green Check and the message was sent "A Personal Message for a book you sent" so she really didn't care too much, or doesn't know proper procedure.  Seeing how she hasn't responded to my pm in the 2 or 3 days since I sent it I don't think another pm stating she should have RAWP's me is going to go over well.  Oh well Thanks for the help guys.  Maybe she doesn't check her account very often and will someday get back to me!