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Favorite Recipes: chocolate dip mouse cherries (fondue)

Recipe Author

Name: Amber -
Total Recipes: 2



chocolate dip mouse cherries (fondue)

Dish: Candies & Sweets
Dish Type: Cherry
Difficulty: 5 / 10
Servings: small party
Prep Time: 3 mins
Cook Time: 10mins

  • - 1 can maracchino cheeries (must have stem)
  • - bag of choclates
  • - small bag of slivered almonds
  • - small bag of hershey kisses

melt the choclate in a fondue maker (or a small pot on the stove). make sure to keep it on a low heat and stir continuiously- choclate burns fast. *if you want ot skip buying a bag of choclates, you can melt the kisses, if you don't mind all the work of unwrapping them.

as the choclate is melting, start unwrapping the hershey kisses.


once choclate is melted you dip the cherries in the choclate then before it's dried put 2 almost slivers & then the hershey on the side opposite of the stem (aka mouse tail).


in the end you will have a choclate cherry body (the tail=the stem) and the face will be the kiss and the two almond slivers are the the ears.

**optional: make eyes using round sprinkles, though it's a tedious task & they're cute as are**


(work great at halloween or christmas with a nutcracker theme)



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Sherrie J. (sherriej) - ,
6/15/2009 8:32 PM ET
A friend of mine made these for a office party. They are so much cuter in person. Pretty Tasty too!!!