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The Dhammapada and The Sutta-Nipata: Buddhist Texts (Forgotten Books)
The Dhammapada and The SuttaNipata Buddhist Texts - Forgotten Books Author:F. Max Muller Book Description: — "The Dhammapada consists of 423 verses in Pali uttered by the Buddha on some 305 occasions for the benefit of a wide range of human beings. These sayings were selected and compiled into one book as being worthy of special note on account of their beauty and relevance for moulding the lives of future generations of Buddh... more »ists. They are divided into 26 chapters and the stanzas are arranged according to subject matter." (Quote from
Table of Contents:
Publisher's Preface; Introduction To The Dhammapada.; Dhammapada.; The Twin-verses.; On Earnestness.; Thought.; Flowers.; The Fool.; The Wise Man (pandita).; The Venerable (arhat).; The Thousands.; Evil.; Punishment.; Old Age.; Self.; The World.; The Buddha (the Awakened).; Happiness.; Pleasure.; Anger.; Impurity.; The Just.; The Way.; Miscellaneous.; The Downward Course.; The Elephant.; Thirst.; The Bhikshu (mendicant).; The BrÂhmana (arhat).; The Sutta-nipÂta; Explanation Of Words; Introduction To The Sutta-nipÂta.; Uragavagga.; KÛlavagga.; MahÂvagga.; Atthakavagga.; PÂrÂyanavagga.; Endnotes
About the Publisher:
Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, Esoteric and Mythology.
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