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Topic: Frozen accounts

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Subject: Frozen accounts
Date Posted: 3/21/2008 2:17 PM ET
Member Since: 1/7/2006
Posts: 110
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Recently, someone requested a book from my shelf.  I confirmed when I could mail it.  Later that day, I got an email telling me that he no longer wanted the book.   I was curious why he had changed his mind, so I sent him a friendly PM asking if there was a reason he had changed his mind.  He PMed me back and said, "I still want the book, but they froze my account.  It's back now."  When I checked my bookshelf, the book is on One Hour Buyer's Remorse, so I know that he requested it again.

So my question is, why do "they" (whoever "they" are) freeze accounts?  Is this something I should be concerned about?  (Ie, are frozen accounts due to bad bookswappers, who had had problems in the past?)


deltatiger avatar
Member of the Month medal
Date Posted: 3/21/2008 2:26 PM ET
Member Since: 12/19/2005
Posts: 5,096
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They could freeze an account for several reasons - for example, if several people access the site from the same computer, it could look like someone is running multiple accounts for themselves and that would throw a red flag.  Or there could be some problems that are easily explained away - delay in marking books mailed or received, for example, which could be the result of a vacation or life crisis.  Really, there are a lot of reasons why it could happen. 

If it is unfrozen, it means that R&R - the men who run the site - have contacted the person and the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction.  I'd go ahead and send the book.  If you're really worried, use PBS DC or printable postage.