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Topic: Having completed the 2012 Challenge........

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KellyP avatar
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Subject: Having completed the 2012 Challenge........
Date Posted: 4/2/2012 5:48 PM ET
Member Since: 5/27/2005
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    Read 24 books, completing the Super Buddha Feast.  Favorite books read sfor the challenge include Moloka'i by Alan Brennert, Doc by Mary Doria Russell, Death of Kings by Bernard Cornwell, and Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick. 

    Comparing the 2012 Challenge with the 2011 Challenge --- altho' I enjoyed this challenge, it didn't really "challenge" me - most of the books I read were already on the TBR and would likely have been read this year anyway.  I sinply found slots for the titles.  Last year's challenge was more challenging IMO.  I loved the time-line challenge and the different continents challenge.  They led me to books I might otherwise have missed.

    I do love these challenges, and I truly appreciate the time and effort Christa has put into them.  They certainly help me decide what book to try next.  And, I enjoyed the read-along for The Crystal Cave - my first read-along.

    Christa, I'm already looking forward to the 2013 Challenge.  Yesterday Kelly reminded me that earlier this year I expressed some regret that I had not been involved with the past ABC challenge.  Perhaps I'll see how I can do with that during the rest of the this year.  Might provide a bit of focus for me.



KellyP avatar
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Date Posted: 4/2/2012 6:53 PM ET
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You go, Mom !!


Last Edited on: 4/2/12 6:54 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
I-F-Letty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/2/2012 7:28 PM ET
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YAY!!!!  Linda, Whoo Hoo!


Last Edited on: 4/2/12 11:37 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
VickyJo avatar
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Date Posted: 4/2/2012 7:33 PM ET
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Whoa!!  Linda, that must be a record!  Good for you...

LoveNE avatar
Bonnie (LoveNE) - ,
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Date Posted: 4/2/2012 8:22 PM ET
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Crap I think I'm on book #3...BUT I did get to eat a Devil Dog today!

flchris avatar
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Date Posted: 4/2/2012 10:14 PM ET
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Wow, Linda!  Way to go!!  I shall keep your request for a more challenging challenge when I devise my devilish scheme for next year (provided that no one else has a brilliant idea and wants to run the challenge next year!)  I already have a brilliant idea for those who don't like to do a lot of research for challenges.  Now I just have to come up with one for the super-readers like you!

And yes...I think the alphabet challenge would be perfect.  You should finish that...oh....sometime next week, right??

peculiarway avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2012 7:06 PM ET
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Gooooooo Linda!! yesyes