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Topic: Can you help me find this book?

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cuddlebug22 avatar
Subject: Can you help me find this book?
Date Posted: 11/14/2011 9:52 AM ET
Member Since: 3/18/2011
Posts: 3
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Im looking for an older book... I cant remember the name or the author but i know the catagory, theme, and almost all of the plot.  i have searched the site as well as the internet to find anything close, but nothing yet. 

Book discription:
Copyright before 1990: Romance,captive/ captor, possible multicultural/middle east, 1000-1500 B.C.

Plot: A young female from a middle eastern tribe is working for her father (I believe a merchant).She is captured by a barbarian of some kind along with other women and kill all the other men in the tribe. they raid and pillage the tribes they come to, to capture and rape the women as part of their culture. He treats her differently then the other barbarians and comes to love and protect her. Throughout the novel, she struggles to understand his culture and neither speak the same language. 

I read the book years ago and I let a friend borrow it only for them to loose the book... Can you help or point me in the right direction?