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Topic: Help with titles!!!!

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Sylvia W. (Sly1) - ,
Subject: Help with titles!!!!
Date Posted: 3/26/2009 1:06 PM ET
Member Since: 3/26/2009
Posts: 14
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I read 3 books a long time ago, and have been looking for them lately without luck.  I can't remember names of characters, authors, or titles.  Hope you all like a challenge!  Here is what I do remember ( and I hope that I am not mixing plots from various books!)  The books were Regency Romances which I read somewhere between mid 80's to mid 90's.  Book #1:  The heroine was a governess or companion/chaperone.  They were in the English? countryside and there was an outing to an old church.  There was some kind of an echo to which the heroine began  quoting Shakespeare's verse:  Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments, and the hero finished the sonnet.  The heroine might have been there to promote a match between her charge and the lord of the house.  But this is where I might be confusing plots.  Book #2:  the heroine is either lost in a card game or married off to settle debts.  There are two would be heros.  I believe the lady believed the lord she was to be married to was evil, and would dream of a parallel situation between a man she fancied and her betrothed.    I believe in the end she comes to love her betrothed. The author used parallels to Romeo and Juliet and I distinctly remeber the name Mercutio being used.    Book #3:  The lady I believes lies about being widowed, they are at a house party.  One of the male visitors believes her to be less than virtuous or after the lord of the house (his friend) and he tries to protect his friend from this women while being attracted to her himself.  I remeber distinctly there was a building on the grounds, it was a greenhouse, or something like.  I believe the hero takes advantage of the heroine in that building.  The hero/heroine initially hate each other and their exchanges seem to be heated, but in the end they fall in love, as she turns out not to be the schemer he believed.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.