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Topic: How do you come up with titles?

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Subject: How do you come up with titles?
Date Posted: 4/11/2012 10:54 AM ET
Member Since: 9/8/2010
Posts: 40
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I'm working on a story, right now it's only 45 pages long but I'm hoping it can get to novel length. But even if it doesn't, I'm still going to need a title for it at some point. Right now I just keep calling it Not-Avalon, Avalon being the title of my other project.

So I was wondering, how do you come up with titles for your stories and how do you suggest I find one for mine? I'm not asking for you to come up with one for me without reading the story, but for your information it is a magic/fantasy type story with a lot of mages, most of whom are fighting over who's going to succeed the throne.

Thanks for your help, maybe it will help clear away the horrible visions of finishing a great epic novel and never being able to do anything with it because I can't figure out what to call it :P

xengab avatar
Date Posted: 4/12/2012 9:18 PM ET
Member Since: 10/13/2007
Posts: 36,445
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Are you going to self pubish or go through a publishing company?

If self publishing, I'd think up several names, google each and see if its already been used. Mostly titles just pop into my head, when I think about that novel I usually can have something come to mind.. Else you can alway use the main characters name in some way. If there is war in it then. MC's War or Town's War or name of the countries War.

If you are going through a publishing company you just need a working title as they usually decide on the final title.