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Search - List of Books by John Metcalfe

William John Metcalfe (October 6, 1891—July 31, 1965) was a teacher, short story writer and novelist.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "John Metcalfe", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 98
The Feasting Dead
2014 - The Feasting Dead [Valancourt 20th Century Classics] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781941147412
ISBN-10: 1941147410
Genre: Literature & Fiction

Dividing the Great
2012 - Dividing the Great (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781478249337
ISBN-10: 1478249331
Genre: Travel

Bunderley Boggard and Other Plays
2010 - Bunderley Boggard and Other Plays (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781152506510
ISBN-10: 115250651X

The Case for Universal Old Age Pensions
2010 - The Case for Universal Old Age Pensions (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781151950642
ISBN-10: 1151950645

T'strike 1921
2009 - T'strike 1921 (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781112265068
ISBN-10: 1112265066

Mountain Bike Fitness Training
2004 - Mountain Bike Fitness Training (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781840188585
ISBN-10: 1840188588
Genres: Health, Fitness & Dieting, Sports & Outdoors

2004 - Salvation (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781870039888
ISBN-10: 1870039882

The Red Heifer
2003 - The Red Heifer (Paperback)Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781870039895
ISBN-10: 1870039890

The Ministry of Reconciliation
2002 - The Ministry of Reconciliation [Apostolic Foundation of the Christian Church] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781870039871
ISBN-10: 1870039874

The Gifts of Tongues and of Prophecy
2001 - The Gifts of Tongues and of Prophecy (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039864
ISBN-10: 1870039866

The Gifts and Baptism of the Spirit
2001 - The Gifts and Baptism of the Spirit (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039802
ISBN-10: 1870039807

The Body of Christ and the Gifts
2001 - The Body of Christ and the Gifts (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039826
ISBN-10: 1870039823

The Coming Resurrection of the Dead
2001 - The Coming Resurrection of the Dead (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039857
ISBN-10: 1870039858

The Psalms of the Old Testament
1998 - The Psalms of the Old Testament (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781870039758
ISBN-10: 1870039750

The Revelation of Jesus Christ
1998 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781870039772
ISBN-10: 1870039777

1995 - Enemies in the Land [Foundation Tracts] (Paperback)
1995 - Brethrenism Exposed [Foundation Tracts] (Paperback)
1994 - Female Priests [Foundation Tracts] (Paperback)
1994 - The Adversary [Foundation Tracts] (Paperback)
1994 - Lord Lord [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
Unconditional Salvation
1993 - Unconditional Salvation [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039468
ISBN-10: 1870039467

1993 - Religious Merchandise [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1993 - Comfort [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1993 - Peace [Evangelical tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039505
ISBN-10: 1870039505

Eternal Life
1993 - Eternal Life [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039529
ISBN-10: 1870039521

False Churches and True
1991 - False Churches and True [Ecclesia Tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039260
ISBN-10: 1870039262

1991 - The Ministers of Christ [Ecclesia Tracts] (Paperback)
The Ministry of the New Testament
1991 - The Ministry of the New Testament [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039390
ISBN-10: 1870039394

1991 - Repentance [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781870039420
ISBN-10: 1870039424

1990 - The Beginning of the Ecclesia [Ecclesia tracts] (Paperback)
1988 - The Name of Jesus [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1986 - The Blood of Sprinkling [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1986 - The Grace of God That Brings Salvation [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1986 - Wounded for Our Transgressions [Evangelical Tracts] (Paperback)
1982 - The Two Prayers of Elijah [Evangelical tracts] (Paperback)
The Smoking Leg and Other Stories [Short Story Index Reprint Series] (Hardcover)
The Messiah [His The apostolic foundation of the Christian church; v. 3] (Paperback)
The Gospel of God [Tract for the times' series] (Paperback)
The Strait Gate [Tract for the Times' Series] (Paperback)
The Son of God and Seed of David [The Apostolic foundation of the Christian church] (Paperback)
Eternal Sonship and Taylor Brethren [Tract for the times' series] (Paperback)
The Hymns of the New Testament [Psalms, hymns & spiritual songs] (Hardcover)
The Charismatic Delusion [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
Premillennialism Exposed [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
Faith or Presumption [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
The Elect Undeceived [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
Justification By Faith [Graham's Town Series - v. 6] (Hardcover)
Justifying Righteousness [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
Righteousness Imputed [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
The Great Deception [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
A Famine in the Land [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
Women Bishops [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)
The Heavenly VIsion [Tract for the Times] (Paperback)