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Topic: Love Inspired Homecoming Heroes series related question-sort of...

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Subject: Love Inspired Homecoming Heroes series related question-sort of...
Date Posted: 9/3/2008 5:16 AM ET
Member Since: 7/31/2006
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I recently read the 3rd book in this series and decided to pick up the 1st 2 and see how Ilike this series. I read tons of romance(one of my favorite genres) and I know I've read some love Inspired romances before and some were 'yes pretty good read' and others I couldnt' even get through. And I have to be honest here - I usually avoid Christian fiction because it seems so preachy sometimes. I'm Christian but struggle with a lot in  life and deal with the 'real world' and I like characters who seem real. I expected some praying and stuff (and of course no sex in these LOL!) but I mainly got the first book because of the description and the others because they all center ona small TX town(I'm in Texas!) right beside an army base. Each book I think continues and ongong storyline(bringing a little boy from a war-torn country and dealing with his healing) but focues on a man/woman dealing with their issues and falling in love.

I guess in short what I'm getting at is I'd like some books very similar to this storyline butmore in depth if that makes sense. I was following along feeling these emotions and understanding how they felt yet the happily-ever-after involved basically a quick little prayer that seemed to make everthing hunky-dory so to speak when I was left in an emotional turmoil-yes a stupid little romance book set my mind and heart to thinking trying to come up with the same ending when it just wasn't working for me. the upsetting one was the first title Mission:mommy or somethinglike that. this woman was raised with a sister who was the apple of their dad's eye..outgoing, popular, into trouble...the father preferred this sister and the only time approved of the main character is w hen she succeeded in something so she became the driven bookworm always studying. she ended up going ot new york on the fast track to making partner ina big law firm doing 60 plus hour weeks. Her sister married and both she and her hubby were in the miltary and had 5 yr old twin girls. of course both got deployed and ended up being killed. their mom was watching the kids while they were deployed . the main character goes home to help straighten out the finances and help out for a little while. turns out their mother really shouldn't have been left with taking care of the girls because it's too much for her at her age esp dealing with the later grief from losing her daughter.

so basically this woman puts her career on hold briefly to come down and help out but everyoneexpects her to willingly put asidea ll her dreams and 'do the right thing'. the kids can't be uprooted from their life there. she 'has' to move there. she's angry that her sister was even in the miltary let alone with 2little kids and her hubby deployed too...ok I definitely understand that. that fact angered me as well and still does I'm afraid. also seh  never should have left the girls with her mother to be responsible for - okey dokey that angers me as well!

sorry so l ong but this book still has me thinking what I'd do in the situation. Here a woman has people telling her the right t hing is to place the kids before everything else when they weren't her responsibility and she never wanted that responsiblity. of course her goals change(luckily for her I guess!) but I'd like to read more into this sort of stuff where I can f ollow how the characters process everything instead of a quick ending you know? I  like the fact that military people are being discussed and dealing with PTSD and injuries and esp people dealing with anger issues. I think the anger part is what bothers me...I remember having to adapt a a kid(not to ad eath thank goodness) but no one put my  happiness over a 'career' though the 'career' was supposed to provide whatever it is parents think a kid needs..and I have a real issue with having to take on someone else's kids because the parents made what I consider  bad/wrong choice..probably because I've never been married or had kids..not sure...I want something that deals with these same topics only goes more indepth so I can identify more with the characters and understand how they reach their peace.

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Date Posted: 9/10/2008 6:50 PM ET
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You might want to check out some books by Karen Kingsbury or Susan Meissner.

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Date Posted: 9/13/2008 12:50 AM ET
Member Since: 7/31/2006
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thanks Shellie!