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Topic: My New Year's resolutions that eveeryone should do.

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jrfaulkner8 avatar
Subject: My New Year's resolutions that eveeryone should do.
Date Posted: 1/6/2009 9:42 PM ET
Member Since: 11/25/2007
Posts: 2
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2008 I think we can all agree SUCKED! So with 2009 I purpose we look at the glass as half full.

My New Year's resolutions.

1. Stay POSITIVE! no matter how bad we think things are we need to stay positive. We need to remember that things can be a lot worse.

2. Remember that it isn't all about us and our busy lives. Yes everyone is busy with family, work, hobbies, and other commitments. Let’s remember that regardless how busy we are that there are people in our lives who could use a phone call just to say “Hello, wanted to see how you are doing.” Let’s face it in these trying times it could not only brighten somebody’s day it could save their life.

3. Getting together with friends. With money tight and everyone being careful on their spending doesn’t mean you still can’t get together for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s called a pot luck, everyone still needs to eat and with a pot luck everyone can eat and visit. It doesn’t have to be fancy to be enjoyable.

4. Get healthy and stay healthy: This does include the weight. Stop all unhealthy activity’s. Eating and habits’ included.

5. Learn to like ourselves better. I know how hard this is to do and not to quote a movie but it’s really true “It’s easier to believe the bad stuff.” Which it is after awhile we believe what we see or hear. Guess what it doesn’t matter if they approve or not what matters is if you approve of yourself after all you live with yourself 24/7. Yes, it is easier said than done but it can be done. I’ve learned that you can’t please everyone and there are those that you can’t please at all. So screw them. regardless if it’s body image or something else. You are fabulous! And they are the losers who can’t see it. This also helps with #4.

6. Have FUN: If it’s not fun and something you look forward to do. Then why do it? Life is truly too short. Today is quickly tomorrow and the “One Day and Some Day” will always be “One Day and Some Day” until you make it today and have fun doing it.

7. Life is too short to live in the past. Just let the past go. There is nothing that you can do to change it. Just accept it and let it go. Live for today and tomorrow.

8. Forgiveness: Yes, I know. I’ve had problems with this one too. But like I said Life is too short to live in the past. You have the power on how you will let things effect you. I’m talking about letting the past go. You can’t go back and change it and the only way to let the old stuff go is to FORGIVE and let it go. Sometimes easier said than done but if you don’t it will keep ruling your life and how you see yourself as well as others.

9. Friendship: Now this is goes for both family and friends. Are you a good friend? Do you think that you’re a good friend? Why? How many times do you pick up the phone and call? How many times do you just drop by or hang out? Don’t treat friends and family as if they are going to be here tomorrow. Sometimes tomorrow doesn’t come and wouldn’t you hate having to say “I was going to call them tomorrow.” LIFE IS TOO SHORT! Get it? So if you don’t make the effort to pick up the phone, drop by or hang out, why should they? After all you hate it when you’re treated like a flavor of the month why do you do it to those you call friends and especially your family?

10. Precious Moments: Make them, live for them. Make 2009 the year your year and live life to its fullest, keep family and friends close and create your precious moments. Don’t wait for them to happen.