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Topic: Please vote to help a little boy suffering from a rare disorder

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Subject: Please vote to help a little boy suffering from a rare disorder
Date Posted: 11/24/2010 6:23 PM ET
Member Since: 6/29/2007
Posts: 526
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Hello all! My intern is trying to help a little boy she used to work with that has a rare genetic disorder. He really needs your votes. Please take a moment to click on the link & vote for him. Thanks, Rita.


Hi Everyone,

 I worked with a child named Matthew who has a rare neurological disorder. His parents are trying really hard to get the money for more research for this cause through a Pepsi contest. Below is the information on how to vote ? the family needs all the help they can, because their cause is only at number 3 on the list. Only contestants who make it to the top two will get a shot at the prize. Thank you so much for all of your help!


Maria Crossman

LINKS Intern

 Matthew suffers from a rare neurological disorder called Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood.  Here is an easy way you canhelp the research foundation get $250,000!  It takes just a few moments each day in November to do this.


Here is why you?ll want to do this

 There was also an article in the Sunday paper:


 Easy updated instructions (DO THESE EACH DAY THROUGH DEC 1)

1. From your computer:   Go to    

Click on the VOTE NOW button.   Follow the directions.  (DO THIS EACH DAY THROUGH DEC 1)

 2. From your phone Text   104112 to 73774 (73774 is in the ?to? field, 104112 is in the body of the message) (DO THIS EACH DAY THROUGH DEC 1)

 3. If you are on Facebook, you can vote there ALSO through the Pepsi Refresh Voting App. (DO THIS EACH DAY THROUGH DEC 1)

 4. Please share with ALL your friends, contacts, anyone you can.  (DO THIS EACH DAY THROUGH DEC 1)