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Favorite Recipes: Poorman's Pie

Recipe Author

Name: David B. (danniqi)
Total Recipes: 3



Poorman's Pie

Dish: Casseroles
Dish Type: Beef
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 3 / 10
Servings: 6
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour

  • 1 lb - lean Ground Beef*
  • 5 medium - Potatoes
  • 1 can - Creamed Corn
  • 1 1/2 cup - Cheddar Cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) - Butter
  • 1/2-3/4 cup - Milk

1. Peel and cut the potatoes in quaters. Add to pan to be boiled, start high-medium heat.
2. Poor the can of creamed corn into a pie dish.
3. Brown the ground beef in a skillet. Drain off any extra grease. Poor onto the creamed corn.
4. Once potoatoes are soft (this should be fairly soon after the meat is done), remove from heat and drain. Mash potoates and mix in milk and butter (this should be done to taste, add salt and butter if that is how you like your mashed potatoes!)
5. Turn oven on to 350-degrees
6. Spoon potatoes on top of the beef in the pie dish. Smooth to cover entire dish.
7. Cover potaotes with cheese.
8. Bake for 25-30 minutes.



* I actually use ground turkey, so you can use whatever you like

You can add any number of vegetables, soft carrots, peas, mushrooms, whatever your heart desires. Its a great quick meal and makes for great leftovers!

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Connie A. (jazzysmom) - ,
8/31/2015 10:45 AM ET
As i went into jr high my mom went to work out side our home. I usually got home from school before she got home from work. This is one of the recipes she would leave out for me to choose from to prepare for her to pop in the oven when she got home. My dad and us kids loved it. I still make it. Brings back lots of good memories. Thinking i'll make it again tonight. I often add mushrooms. I use sweet potatoes add well drained any kind of left over greens or black beans when i have them also just to make the casserole a bit different each time.