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Topic: Just posted 30+ mint CLASSICS and have MANY more kids books

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ksugreat avatar
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Subject: Just posted 30+ mint CLASSICS and have MANY more kids books
Date Posted: 6/26/2009 6:10 PM ET
Member Since: 7/4/2006
Posts: 2,329
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I just posted over 30 mint condition (well, all but 3 of them, they are in very good condition having been read once) classics from Townsend Press.  They would be perfect for introducting any student/child to the classics.  Townsend Press is an amazing business, they are the source of the Bluford series books, which is the BEST!!!!!!!!!! series ever for getting middle school students to read if they are reluctant readers, especially boys!  I'm doing a 3 for 1 deal on all other kids books besides these classics and I've copied their blurb about their classics below so you can read about it without searching:

Townsend Library classics have been edited to make them more accessible to today’s readers. But the books have not been “abridged” in the sense of shortening them by sacrificing story development, character richness, and the author’s voice. In our experience, abridged books result from a simplistic removal of large chunks of material or a formulaic “translation” that robs a book of its distinctive flavor. By contrast, as we produce a Townsend Library title, we seek to edit the material carefully and respectfully in order to preserve the qualities that have made the book a classic.
TL editors approach every book entirely on its own merits, guided constantly by these questions:

• “What will get in the way of a reader’s enjoyment of this wonderful story?”

• “How can the story be made more readable while preserving the integrity of the original book?”
Here are examples of editing choices made for two TL titles:
• Dracula This story was written for people who were familiar with 19th century European geography, and the original contains countless pages of detail about cities, towns, rivers, ports, and travel routes that would make many 21st century readers’ eyes glaze over. Such detail, not at all integral to the story, has been reduced.

Another example: Stoker was very excited about the new technologies of his day—such as shorthand writing and Thomas Edison’s “dictaphone” machine, which recorded the human voice on wax cylinders—and in the original Dracula, he goes on for many pages about these “modern” inventions. We minimized the number of details about these outdated inventions in order to get on with the story.

We also replaced words that might be unfamiliar or confusing to today’s readers: for instance, the old French word “diligence” is changed to “stagecoach”; the phrase “toilet glass” is changed to “shaving mirror.”

Jane Eyre Revising Jane Eyre was mostly a matter of slightly simplifying complex sentences and deleting or explaining unfamiliar 19th-century English terms. For instance, a reference to the valuable "plate" in a house is changed to "silver"; the phrase "a false front of French curls" is changed to "a wig of French curls"; the word "benefactress" is changed to "guardian." The original sentence, "Or was the vault under the chancel of Gateshead Church an inviting bourne?" is changed in the TL version to, "Did I really think that the cemetery at Gateshead Church would be an inviting home?"

JCCrooks avatar
Date Posted: 6/26/2009 8:04 PM ET
Member Since: 3/20/2007
Posts: 931
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Please post bookshelf promotions and deals in the sticky thread (the red thread "stuck" to the top of the forum).

From another Wildcat,