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The Eclectic Pen - SHE’S MOVING ON

By: Roy B. (mountdewboy)   + 20 more  
Date Submitted: 5/29/2007
Last Updated: 6/9/2007
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting » Relationships
Words: 192

  Eight years of love (marriage) . . . nine years of life (know each other)
Starry eyes replaced with strife.
Ryan, Chris, and Doug . . . these are the men she sees
She acts and says, “Do as you please but when I do, she holds it against me.”
Friend’s first, Husband second, and lover is the man she has broken
With every word and action she proves that she can hate.
She betrays the one who loves her most
Trades him in and to him she boasts.
The rings that mean so much to him
Are taken off and treated like a piece of tin.
His love for her is true and strong
But she still treats him so wrong.
He held her tight, loved her deep
She fought his grip, made him weep.
He thinks that he loves too much
She makes him second guess himself and such.
He loves her from deep to wide and head to toe
But she doesn’t seem to care at all or want to know.
Together they used to be good (as ONE) and sometimes great
But somewhere it went bad, and now it’s too late.
With four kid’s hanging, in the ballast
What will happen to their future?

28 Jan 2007

Roy W. Bair

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Roy B. (mountdewboy)

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Comments 1 to 13 of 13
Angela D. (jaylou) - 5/29/2007 10:14 PM ET
There is a deep feeling in this story. Any one who reads it can sense that. Very well written and placed.
Kim T. (kimt6) - - 5/30/2007 10:42 AM ET
Dawn M. (Harleygirl) - , - 5/30/2007 10:52 PM ET
Your poem has real meaning -like it comes from the heart. I can feel his pain for the love that he has lost but still feels so strong!
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 5/31/2007 11:37 PM ET
Thanks for sharing something so personal and emotional. It must have been difficult writing it; I can tell you put a lot of yourself into it. Well written and very emotionally powerful.
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 5/31/2007 11:47 PM ET
reminds me a little of one I did called betrayal, but I like yours better. Nice to have a male point of view.
Gina S. (GigiBeanz) - 6/1/2007 10:25 AM ET
Depicts a beautiful relationship that somehow went wrong. Emotional and inquisitive. Painful. Nicely done.
Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin) - 6/4/2007 9:44 AM ET
Roy this is very good......I am an adult child of divorce.....watched my Father's heart break and 1o years after he'd have took my mom back no questions .....thats how deep and wide his love for her was.......this really touched me thank you Lena S.
BARBARA D. (TINKER) - 6/11/2007 9:56 PM ET
Elizabeth B. (meowysmiles) - - 6/24/2007 2:49 AM ET
Good write and yes you need trust..
Kimberly Z. (chiKaD27) - , - 3/2/2009 2:49 AM ET
Loved it. Thank you for trusting us all with your emotions, you are an author.
Kami (Kidsey) - 4/25/2009 10:52 PM ET
It's really nice, but almost heartbreaking!
Abby M. (smileyabby1800) - 5/11/2009 1:53 PM ET
Hi. I'd just like to say how much I can relate to your poem. My parents were married for 8 years and it was so hard on me and my brother as kids to watch them break up. God bless you and yur kids.
Michal W. (Princess101) - 3/24/2010 5:19 PM ET
That was really good but very sad.
Comments 1 to 13 of 13