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Topic: Silhouette Bombshell series

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Subject: Silhouette Bombshell series
Date Posted: 3/3/2008 12:36 AM ET
Member Since: 7/31/2006
Posts: 14,634
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Once again I came across a series that's no longer! I've read a couple of books in this series (one was Nancy Bartholomew's 'Sophie's Last Stand') and really enjoyed them. I have a few more of these in my TBR pile and usually pick them up if I find the cheap but I'm not sure how they are. i've found the Harlequin Next series to vary quite a bit from funny/mystery/serioues/tear jerker. It seems like I read somewhere that these Bombshell books were hard to categorize as well with some going pretty far out with the female characters and being paranormal, etc in genres. the one I read was sort of a mystery and there was some romance but it wasn't the main focus and the ending wasn't all completely tidied up so to speak. I read other books by this author and it seems to be her trademark to not tidy up the ending with a HEA involving a that a common theme in the Bombshell line? kicka$$ women who don't 'need a man' or is it a 'hit and miss' type line? I ahve 2 books in my TBR pile that are part of a6 book series and not sure if I want to order the 1st 2 in that series..I'm missing the 1st 2 and last 2 in the 'It Girls' and usually hate to read something in the middle of a series but dont' really wanna waste 4 credits completing the series first...