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Topic: No smoking RCs

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Subject: No smoking RCs
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 9:05 AM ET
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How long would a smoker have to be out of your house before you would start accepting requests with no smoking RCs? My dad was a heavy smoker but he quit over 10 years ago now. My ex was also a heavy smoker but he hasn't lived with me since December 2003 and he never lived in the house where I live now nor did my parents ever let him smoke inside this house. However, I have had past complaints about books smelling like smoke although not in a couple of years now. I couldn't say now if those were books that pre-dated my divorce. Plus my ex never smoked indoors anyway. I don't know if it's cigarette residue or if it's because we burned a wood stove right until we replaced it just 2 years ago or if it's because I burn so much incense. My chain smoking mailman passed away a few weeks ago so there's not going to be an issue with the books being exposed to smoke in his vehicle anymore.

Would it be enough to turn down no smoking RCs (which I've seen a LOT of lately - probably 50% of the orders I've gotten) if I know the book pre-dates my divorce, but accept them if I've only owned the book for a reasonably short period of time? I mean, I probably have a hundred books I've purchased at the bookstore where I worked the past 2 years, and I know none of those books have ever been exposed to smoke either from cigarettes or the stove.

I mean, I have no problem turning down RCs for a book with a long wish list, but I've lost a few FIFO orders just in the past week because of no smoking RCs and I even had a book with only 3 wishers go through all 3 of them and end up on my shelf because 2 out of 3 wishers had no smoking RCs and the 3rd one never responded. I want to make sure I send out books people are going to be happy with, but I'm kind of thinking I'm being overly cautious here and losing orders because of it.

sarap avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 10:34 AM ET
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If it were me, I think I would accept the RC in the case of books that I was sure post-date the smokers.

For the books that you have had longer, I would probably reject the RC, as we all know that sometimes the smoke smell never completely goes away, it just becomes less.

Can you smell the smoke smell yourself? If not, then I would be very careful about making sure you only accept for newer books.

KENDARA avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 10:35 AM ET
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Smoke tends to linger.  My MIL quit smoking about 8 years ago and I can still smell the residue all over their stuff when they come to visit.  They replaced their carpet, bought a new sofa, and painted some of  their walls about 2 years ago so it is no longer overwhelming but it is still there sort of locked in all the stuff that was in the house when she smoked there.

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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 10:52 AM ET
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Went to visit a distant relative last year, who's wife passed away at least 4 years ago, and she smoked, he didn't, but the smoke residue was still very strong in the house.

I'd say if the RC says something like "current smoking' then it would be safe to send, otherwise I probably wouldn't, unless I couldn't smell smoke on any of the books.  Pat

ambeen avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 11:22 AM ET
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I say send to RCs that state not currently in a smoking home. If they mention smoke smell and they're the older books, though, I'd decline. The not currently in a smoking home RC makes me think that they'll accept books that might smell smoky as long as they aren't coming from the source that made them that way (in other words, they've had time to air out a bit).

twylah avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 11:47 AM ET
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I totally agree with Amee.  Many smoking RCs specifically state "books currently in a smoking home" - those would be OK for you to send, because your home is currently non-smoking, so you meet the RC.  But if the RCs are vague about "smoke smells" or "smoke odors" then I wold decline.  Other people may "smell" something that you don't notice.  Those RCs are way too subjective anyway, and since I repost so many of my PBS books and have no idea where they've been, I always decline those RCs.

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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 11:58 AM ET
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The not currently in a smoking home RC makes me think that they'll accept books that might smell smoky as long as they aren't coming from the source that made them that way (in other words, they've had time to air out a bit).

I hope people don't think that on mine. A nonsmoking RC is meant to avoid the smell of smoke/exposure to cigarettes. Stating it as not from a current household just lets the sender know that we don't expect them to control the past. The smell of it indicates its been exposed. Guess its time to change the RC again to say if it obviously smells of smoke to not send it even if their household in nonsmoking.

Bren, It sounds like your books have not been in a household that was smoked in for at least 7 years and you have since moved from that home? If the books do not smell of smoke to your, then I would say that sending the "current household" smoke RCs would be OK since your current household IS a nonsmoking household. It seems no different that if the book had a previous owner that lived in a smoking household and now it doesn't. If the books do smell, I wouldn't send them because you would not have an argument since its possible they were exposed to smoke in your possession.

The incense concerns me a little on what kind of residual odor that leaves. I know woodstoves smell is very different that cigarettes. Maybe a friend who is not exposed to the smell on a regular basis could sniff some books a tell you if they've picked up any smells that could be a concern.

ambeen avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 12:17 PM ET
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If the books do smell, I wouldn't send them because you would not have an argument since its possible they were exposed to smoke in your possession.

This is why I said she should send if the RC just says "not currently in a smoking home" because she does have an argument. They haven't been exposed to smoke in 7 years and aren't currently in a smoking home. That's why I said I assume some smoke smell can be expected unless the RC specifically states NO smoke smell, not just current environment.

Idk, maybe I'm being too literal, but I just think it's the same as if she got them at a UBS. They don't smell to her even though they were in a smoking home previously so she sends them, but she could still get RWAPed because they smell like smoke to the requester even thought the RC was followed? I realize she wouldn't have to return the credit, but it sounds like she'd be considered in the wrong in the situation.

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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 12:43 PM ET
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I quit smoking almost 4 years ago.  A year before that, I started storing my bookshelf books in a plastic bin with crushed newspaper.  When I smoked I wouldn't send one of course, if there was a RC.  But after a year of not smoking, I started sending them and have NEVER had a smoke compliant. 

I smoked HEAVY and in my home. 

BTW - none of the books I have now were in the house 4 years ago.  I've traded all of them out.

longhornfan avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 12:59 PM ET
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Perhaps people were being polite.  I recently received a book that smelled like smoke.  However, it was otherwise in good condition. I decided not to RWAP because I figued the smoke smell would disapate over time.

I don't have an allergy and  have plenty of books to read in between, so big deal.


As to another related issue: I recently turned down some requests due to non-smoking RCs.  I buy alot of my books in thrift stores and used book stores and can't guarantee the books I own have never been in the presence of a smoker. Should i not post these books?

hardtack avatar
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Subject: tobacco smoke and its difficutly in removing its odor
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 1:19 PM ET
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I now have a no books from a "smoking environment" RC because I am so allergic to tobacco smoke and odors.  I used to accept them and just placed them on my covered porch to air out.  Then one day I received a book that never completely lost the smell, it was so bad.  So I included my "no smoking environment" RC.  This works against me as I have lost the opportunity to obtain books on my WL due to my RC.  Tobacco smoke tends to adhere to most permeable items and is difficult to remove.

People who smoke, or whom smoke doesn't bother, do not understand the problems we who have such an allergy undergo.  Imagine what you hate most being with you every day and affecting your health, mood and personal relationships.  It is not something I wished for.  When I was young and attended dances at school, I used to change out of my clothes outside and hang them on the line to air out.  I couldn't bring them indoors.  Imagine doing that in below freezing weather? That's how bad my allergy is.  And I won't mention the headaches.  Then I lost friends because I would not accept invitations to their homes.  This was back in the days when smoking was considered "cool."  If you flew in the days when smoking was allowed on airplanes, even if just in the last few rows, you know that constantly crying children are not as common today.  Poor kids and their parents, they didn't realize what the problem was.  I only state the above so that you can understand the problems tobacco smoke causes for many people.

Now for some practical advice:  My response when I receive a RC that might very well affect my sending a book, is not to send it.  You do not have the worry of having to refund a credit or receiving negative responses from the receiver.  Plus, your book goes right back to its place on the FIFO queue. This may limit your shipping those books out, but not everyone has such conditions.  In fact, I would say that such an RC is not at all common here.  However, I noticed that you seem to have had a difference experience.

If you have a covered porch or other facility, why not place several of the books out there at a time? Let them stay there, spead open, several days or more and then store them away from the other books. Eventually, you'll have all your books in better smelling condition.  This might be a solution If you are receiving more than the averge number of RCs with this "no smoking" RC. 

One thing I do in an attempt to help my allergies is to use those now popular salt lamps.  I used to buy those negative air ironizers but they never really worked as well as they were advertised.  I now have several salt lamps in my house and they really seem to do a good job of keeping the air clean,  especially since I have a nervous dog who puts out a lot of dander.  An extra benefit is that I can have such a lamp on in a room and not have any other lights on. They only use a 25-watt bulb and this saves on my electricity cost as I can go into such a room to get something without having to turn any other lights on.

Perhaps such a lamp might be useful where you store the books. Good luck.

Last Edited on: 6/20/11 1:22 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 1:30 PM ET
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Idk, maybe I'm being too literal, but I just think it's the same as if she got them at a UBS. They don't smell to her even though they were in a smoking home previously so she sends them, but she could still get RWAPed because they smell like smoke to the requester even thought the RC was followed? 

Your other statement came off saying that she'd be OK sending smoky smelly books, that people with the "current smoking" would be willing to accept that as long as the current household didn't smoke. That is the only place I would take issue. If she truly did not smell smoke but I did, thats a different story that I would accept. I would not accept that the reader who sent it to me smoked on the book themselves or that a family member smoked on the book (or in the same room as the book) at some point, to me they would be violating my RCs. I know my RC has no teeth by saying "current" and I have never RWAP because of it, its merely hoping for courtesy. I can remember 3 instances where the book smelled like the RC was violated. I polited mentioned the smell, but said that I believed it must not have smelled to them or it acquired the smell enroute. 2 replied with answers that made sense and I believed them. The other did not answer and I do suspect she just ignored the RC also.

Alicia - you are fine posting thift store books, most of us do. Even books that you can smell smoke on can be posted. Just don't send a book that smells of smoke to someone with RCs against it.

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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 2:16 PM ET
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Your other statement came off saying that she'd be OK sending smoky smelly books, that people with the "current smoking" would be willing to accept that as long as the current household didn't smoke.  

Technically, she would be ok sending smoke smelling books with an RC that states no books in a current smoking environment.

Edited to add - Just wanted to clarify that I was not trying to encourage anyone to knowingly or purposely send out smoky books when the requestor has a smoke RC. I just wanted to point out that the phrase 'not currently in a smoking environment' is pretty precise and I would consider the OP or those in nonsmoking homes who trade books where they don't know the origin to comply with that particular RC.

Last Edited on: 6/20/11 5:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Patouie avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 2:23 PM ET
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You could ask a couple of friends with good noses to give groups of your books the "sniff test" and see whether the newer books seem free of smoke smell to them, and whether the smoke still lingers on the older books.

And Thomas has some wise words:

Now for some practical advice:  My response when I receive a RC that might very well affect my sending a book, is not to send it.  You do not have the worry of having to refund a credit or receiving negative responses from the receiver.  Plus, your book goes right back to its place on the FIFO queue.

ambeen avatar
Date Posted: 6/20/2011 2:36 PM ET
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Technically, she would be ok sending smoke smelling books with an RC that states no books in a current smoking environment.

I guess technically I would (Idk if you are referring to me or OP, but figure it might be me since I brought up the discrepancy in smoking RCs). I get a lot of books used and sometimes they smell off to me (not like a brand new book, but not always just an older book). Is that stale cigarette smell? Musty? I really don't know because my sense of smell is poor. But I'd send it since I don't smoke nor does anyone I live with. I don't think that is ignoring or violating someone's RC. If I'm wrong, please tell me and I'll just decline all smoking RCs for books I get used. I've never had a problem yet but I'd like to avoid possible problems in the future.


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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 2:38 PM ET
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Your other statement came off saying that she'd be OK sending smoky smelly books, that people with the "current smoking" would be willing to accept that as long as the current household didn't smoke.  

Technically, she would be ok sending smoke smelling books with an RC that states no books in a current smoking environment. 

Technically, yes, if the household is non-smoking. It would also be a piss-poor thing to do knowing full well that the book is not wanted by the receiver. Why would someone send something they can see the requester doesn't want just because "technically" they can? A credit shouldn't be that important to a sender to send a book that it is obvious a receiver doesn't want. That goes to Thomas's advice - if the book might violate the RC, why send it? In reference to the OP's case being discussed, if she sent a book that smelled of smoke and she knew the smoke smell came from when it was in her possession then no, technically she would not be ok sending it.

Last Edited on: 6/20/11 2:39 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sarap avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2011 3:47 PM ET
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Technically, she would be ok sending smoke smelling books with an RC that states no books in a current smoking environment.

Yeah, I disagree too. In this particular case, I think you can always infer that even though people word their request so that books in a currently smoking home are not mailed ... they also do not want books that smell to the sender like smoke, either.

In other words ... if you quit smoking yesterday, don't accept the RC, even though technically, you could. In the OP's case, its been 7 1/2 years. I think she is probably OK for most smoke RCs.