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Search - List of Books by Steve Allen

"If the Old Testament were a reliable guide in the matter of capital punishment, half the people in the United States would have to be killed tomorrow." -- Steve Allen
Stephen Valentine Patrick William "Steve" Allen (December 26, 1921 – ) was an American television personality, musician, actor, comedian, and writer. Though he got his start in radio, Allen is best-known for his television career. He first gained national attention as a guest host on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts. He graduated to become the first host of The Tonight Show, where he was instrumental in innovating the concept of the television talk show. Thereafter, he hosted numerous game and variety shows, including The Steve Allen Show, I've Got a Secret, The New Steve Allen Show, and was a regular panel member on CBS' What's My Line?

Allen was a "creditable" pianist, and a prolific composer, having penned over 14,000 songs, one of which was recorded by Perry Como and Margaret Whiting, others by Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Les Brown, and Gloria Lynne. Allen won a Grammy award in 1963 for best jazz composition, with his song The Gravy Waltz. Allen wrote more than 50 books and has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Steve Allen", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 142
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Reprograme su cerebro con PNL Manual con Patrones y tcnicas de PNL para lograr lograr la excelencia
2015 - Reprograme Su Cerebro Con Pnl Manual Con Patrones Y Tcnicas De Pnl Para Lograr Lograr La Excelencia [Volume 1 - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781518682001
ISBN-10: 1518682006
Genre: Self-Help

PNL  Reprograme seu crebro com PNL  Programao Neurolingustica  O manual do usurio do Crebro Manual com padres e tcnicas de PNL para  e crescimento pessoal
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Canyoneering the Northern San Rafael Swell
2013 - Canyoneering the Northern San Rafael Swell (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781607812388
ISBN-10: 160781238X
Genres: Sports & Outdoors, Travel

2008 - The Role of Wnt Signalling in the Development of Somites and Neural Crest [Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology] (Paperback)
2002 - Canyoneering 2 [Canyoneering] (Paperback)
2000 - Canyoneering [Canyoneering] (Paperback)
2000 - Murder in Hawaii [Steve Allen, Bk 10] (Paperback)
1999 - Die Laughing [Steve Allen, Bk 9] (Paperback)Hardcover
1997 - Canyoneering 3 [Canyoneering] (Paperback)
1993 - More Steve Allen on the Bible Religion Morality/book II [More Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion Morality] (Hardcover)
1986 - Hickory Dickory Rock/book and Cassette [Mother Goose Rap-Along] (Hardcover)
1986 - Rockadoodledoo/book and Cassette [Mother Goose Rap-Along] (Hardcover)
1986 - Humpty Dumpty Rock/book and Cassette [Mother Goose Rap-Along] (Hardcover)