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Favorite Recipes: Sweet Chicken (My 5 year old discovered this by "helping me cook"

Recipe Author

Name: Melinda C. (froglove69)
Total Recipes: 1



Sweet Chicken (My 5 year old discovered this by "helping me cook"

Dish: DInner
Dish Type: Poultry
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour

  • 1/4 cup - water
  • to taste - honey
  • whole thing - chicken

make sure the chicken is well thawed before you start. Wash chilcken.  Mix brownsugar and water together and bring to boil in small saucepan. ( I have also tried replacing the water with pineapple juice)   

This is where my 5 year old caught my back turned and squeezed in the honey. She's been learning to cook. But I went ahead with the chicken and it tuned out great!

Let the mix boil for about 2 minutes, it'll be pretty thin. Make sure you have the chicken in a deep pan. Pick up your chicken first and fill the cavity with part of the liquid. Place chicken in pan at an angle that not all of the juice runs out. Pur the rest on the top of the chicken.

Ever 20 minutes pull the chicken out and baste it with the liquid in the pan.

Should take about an hour. Chicken comes out very moist and delicouse!  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


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Lynne F. (Graellyn)
7/31/2008 2:21 PM ET
what temperature?
Helen S. (newfiemom)
7/7/2008 10:06 AM ET
how much brown sugar?