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Topic: Do you want to donate some credits to a soldier?

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Subject: Do you want to donate some credits to a soldier?
Date Posted: 2/9/2008 5:53 PM ET
Member Since: 11/7/2007
Posts: 14
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My name is Justin P. Espinosa I am a Staff Sergeant in then US Army, currently deployed to Baghdad, Iraq.  Trying to pass time in our 15 month tour over here, I signed up for Paperbackswap but the prices to buy credits are pretty steep and nobody seems to want my books.  So I was wondering if you have some credits you aren't or won't be using if you would donate them to me.  Please just shoot me a message with your thoughts or questions...... or add me to your buddy list, thanks!!

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Date Posted: 2/9/2008 8:06 PM ET
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Justin asked me to post this because his account has been suspended until it can be reviewed.  I had e-mailed him about Operation Paperback and have also suggested trying a "special request" so they'd have a better chance of getting the books they really want there.  I don't know Justin.  I'm just passing his post on as he requested.

"Paperbackswap suspended my account until a librarian can review it, apparently if you receive to many credits in a short amount of time that raises some serious red flags!! I hope they will reinstate it, after they review it, if you want you can try the live chat thing with a guide and see if they can help me out. Unfortunately I can't access the live chat or any part of my account until a librarian lets me, so it might be a few days until I can update our wish list. Thank you very much for your kindness, Justin Espinosa"

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 2/9/2008 8:16 PM ET
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Wow, he must have gotten some serious credits! I donated. I know there have been "scams" before. I didn't think this looked that way. I'd be seriously ticked if it was!

Kudos to our soldiers!

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Date Posted: 2/9/2008 10:33 PM ET
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Well, if he actually answers that email, I think he's in the army.  The rest, I can't say--but I don't think you can just randomly sign up for that email!

scrappingsteph avatar
Date Posted: 2/9/2008 11:02 PM ET
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this was posted by the paperbackswap team on another forum from this same person click here to see the original post.

While we appreciate and support our military, and we know that this member means no harm, solicitation for credits in forums in this way cannot be allowed.   We have many military members and other members who use credits for good causes, and we have prohibited them also from soliciting in this way.  This is a swapping club. We can't pick and choose which "causes" to support, so all solicitation is not allowed.  

This is a different case from "lend me a credit to get my Wish List book" of course, so please don't write in asking about those posts.

Anyone who has donated credits to Justin and who wants them to be returned, please contact us using the feedback link


Last Edited on: 2/9/08 11:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1