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The Eclectic Pen - My Yard is My Therapy

By: Laura B. (Lbrownblack) -  
Date Submitted: 10/10/2009
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting
Words: 315

  Like the Alchemist finds solace in polishing crystal glasses, my yard is my therapy. As he clears the negativity from his mind with each stroke of the rag on the glass until it is crystal clear (as a clear mind might be,) I rip clear the vines, dig up the roots and chop the invasive poison weeds from my yard until I begin to feel the clearing of the beautiful space beneath begin to bubble up as the brook babbles beneath branches.
When the rain falls so hard that I can hear it pounding the trees and running off the wet grass in small torrents, I can stand in my woods and not feel the drops come down. But, I can smell it and I can hear it and by the way my hairs all stand on end, the air feels electrically charged. This is when I can feel all of my senses reach out to all of the experience around me. The weeds are even easier to pull. And, I like getting dirty – now that I know I’m not getting into poison ivy. It is so freeing.
When I admire it from a distance, I see a place I’m clearing in my mind – a place to which I can go anywhere, anytime. I can go an allow my senses to be assaulted by the aromas of the fresh, blooming spring flowers or pungent oregano, rosemary, perhaps…..the ground solid and damp beneath my bare feet, free from poison ivy, the air charged around me, the water rushing down the rocks and the rhythmic pitter patter of the rain on the canopy above me. Everything feels alive. All my senses come to life as does the environment around me. But, something within is still. Quiet.
Some people go to Tibet and sit on top of mountains for years to find that place.
My yard is my therapy.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Laura B. (Lbrownblack) -

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Don C. (churchboy) - 10/10/2009 8:03 PM ET
I liked this, very good!
Laura B. (Lbrownblack) - - 10/11/2009 2:25 PM ET
thanks, Don!
Jesse (EddyKrueger) - 10/22/2009 4:20 AM ET
My mother in the 80's use to have a flower garden full of Gardenias and Morning Glory flowers. Everyone needs to feel peace. Everyone of us. I'm glad Laura that you found yours. Do you plan to continue to writing?
Linda (wherearemyglasses) - - 10/27/2009 10:20 PM ET
I can relate..good prose.
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