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Lynda (librarymom) - - Bulletin Board

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Lynda (librarymom) - 's Bulletin Board Entries

Lynda (librarymom) - : Hi, friends. I have a book on my Bookshelf that would be a nice gift for a boy who likes outer space. "How to Be an Awesome Astronaut" (9781785986413) comes with an iron-on badge imbedded in the cover. It is in brand new, mint condition.
Entry added on 3/26/2023 9:25 PM
Lynda (librarymom) - :

Hi friends! I am purging my Wish List because I have maxed out at 500 books and I am always wanting to add more! Question: at what point do you consider it unrealistic to keep a book on your Wish List because of your position in line? I imagine it varies based on a book's popularity and thus likelihood of it being posted regularly for swapping. I am just curious if anyone has a successful, tried-and-true method for determining what goes off and what stays on your Wish List based on your position in line for any particular book. Thanks!

Entry added on 12/26/2022 11:59 AM
Last edited on 12/26/2022 12:01 PM
Lynda (librarymom) - :

Did you know ... ? My supplies necessary for mailing books include a bottle of rubbing alcohol. It is wonderful for cleaning book covers, paperback as well as hardbound. Just put a small amount on a cotton ball, tissue or paper towel and rub lightly to remove sticky residue, dirt or smudges to help return your book cover to "like new" condition. Rubbing alcohol (or the stronger stuff, isopropyl alcohol) dries quickly so it doesn't damage the book. It also is a much cheaper alternative to sticker remover products like Goo Gone, and having used both, I think it works better, too.

Entry added on 8/28/2022 5:15 PM
Lynda (librarymom) - : So you have books you want to get rid of, but they aren't in the best condition, so you can't post them on PBS. What to do ... ? You can RECYCLE paperback or hardbound books by placing them in a green Paper Gator dumpster. The organization hosting the dumpster will get a little bit of money for everything placed in the dumpster. We have one outside our Lutheran school in Portage, Michigan! To find the Paper Gator dumpster nearest you, go to and put in your zipcode.
Entry added on 6/17/2022 11:58 AM
Lynda (librarymom) - : When I sort the 450+ books on my Wish List by position, there is a common characteristic among the most popular children's books that I've chosen. They are all Christian fiction or Christian biographies. My theories: 1. There are a lot of Christians on PBS. 2. The Christians on PBS don't want to give up their used books, LOL.
Entry added on 5/6/2022 5:39 PM
Lynda (librarymom) - : When I find an interesting book but I'm not sure if I want to request it, I search the Internet Archive at to see if I can take a peek inside. You can borrow books there for an hour at a time.
Entry added on 4/21/2022 7:01 AM
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