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Shannon (mssupermoto7) - - Reviews

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Affliction (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 22)
Affliction (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 22)
Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/13/2013
Helpful Score: 1

2.5 STARS, but I'm rounding up because there was an actual plot buried under the nonsense.

The first 1/4 of the book was pretty interesting if you ignore all the descriptions referencing hair style, eye color, height, build, musculature, masculinity, femininity, etc. I know some of those could be the same thing, could they not? Apparently, not enough for Hamilton because they are used redundantly! Nonetheless, ignoring all that there was indeed a STORY! STORY? Yes, it was there. I didn't expect it to be there, but alas it was. I admit it was buried and tricky to remember at times. Still, that was an important improvement over the last Anita Blake novel.

Perhaps, it was at the 1/2 way point...shortly after search for the missing hikers that the plot devolves into sex. Kinky sex and some readers will be horrified. I just felt like screaming at Anita and her men to "Move it the fu*k along! There are Zombies, Flesh-eaters, Vampires, Terrified Town Residents, Antsy Police Officers...REMEMBER? For the love of dsflkjdflkodjf can we keep the sex from overshadowing all else? I don't care what or who you do, just make it FASTER! Less pages of it would help too, thank you!"

And, the final 1/4 or whatever of the ginormous book the pages part, the sun seems to shine down and the plot once again emerges from the dank sweaty sex soaked pages (or perhaps I'm feeling overly dramatic), but the reading was once again freaking enjoyable. Things burns, everyone fights, some cry, others die, Anita Raises the DEAD, and evil is once again extinguished. It was bloody & lovely (keep in my I am a horror reader).

My final verdict: Enjoyable; IF you skim over the redundancy and the sex doesn't want to make hurl, LOL! :)

Among Thieves (A Tale of the Kin, Bk 1)
Among Thieves (A Tale of the Kin, Bk 1)
Author: Douglas Hulick
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/15/2014
Helpful Score: 1


Wow, this was an amazingly good read. Full of action, mystery, thieving, and so many plot twists; there was never a dull moment. I loved the authors writing style. The story, characters, and the world were full of interesting well thought out layers. Everything had depth, even the minor details /characters. This is a book you can truly get lost in, I did. I truly don't have any criticism that I can give. This will definitely be one of my favorite reads of the year and I cannot wait for the next installment.

*On a side note, I don't read Epic or High Fantasy. Among Thieves was my first foray in this genre. It just never appealed to me before. I picked up this book after reading a glowing review written by a friend. I thought I'd at least give it a try, but I honestly didn't expect I'd have much interest. HA, I couldn't have been more wrong. So, my sincere thanks to Mr. Hulick for writing such a wonderful book. Because your book, I will now be shopping for books in the Fantasy genre. :)

Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter, Bk 6)
Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter, Bk 6)
Author: Nalini Singh
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/13/2014

5 Stars!!!!

FREAKIN' AMAZING! Best book of the series by far! I cannot wait for the next installment.

Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful, Bk 1)
Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful, Bk 1)
Author: Christina Lauren
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/11/2013

Release Date - 2/12/2013

*A Sinfully Sexy Read*

Beautiful bastard is the first book in a promising new series by the writing Duo "Christina Lauren."

Summary: Chloe Mills, an intern, works extremely hard for what she wants. What she WANTS is to 'wow' the scholarship board and earn her MBA. But, first she must complete an internship at Ryan Media Group and survive working as the assistant to the world's biggest beautiful bastard, Bennett Ryan. Larger emphasis on the bastard part. However, already experienced as Ryan's assistant, Chloe is confident she can complete her internship and still present a spectacular thesis. If only she can manage the bastard...

Bennett Ryan is successful, handsome, and above all else a perfectionist. Unfortunately, he's also cocky, impatient, ill-mannered, and EXTREMELY irritating. Bennett, being a man who always gets his way, expects those that dissapoint to cower before him. Being the exception, Chloe is not intimated easily, which drives Bennett fu*king INSANE. Unsurprisingly, he takes great pleasure in making her life hell. Yet for reasons unknown, he also NEEDS her in his bed...

Review: Beautiful Bastard was sexy and entertaining. Set in Chicago, the story is told from the alternating view points of both Chloe and Bennett. I rather liked the different P.O.V.'s, it kept things interesting. The biggest praise I can give this book is for the chemistry between the characters. It was scorching, raw, and intensely volitale. The tension between Chloe and Bennett was palpable and the sex scenes were freakin hot. In fact, there was so much sex, I feared it would become repetitive and boring. Nope. Thanks to some inventive settings, from dressing to board rooms, it steamy right to the end. Watching the relationship between Chloe and Bennett develop and evolve was quite entertaining as well.

There was also a few very likeable minor characters that were introduced. I'm hoping we'll see more of them in future works.

My only real criticism is for the depth to the plot and characters, which was very much lacking. The main characters were great, but felt underdeveloped. There was rather a lot of sex scenes, but not enough cohesive dialog to tie things together. Perhaps if the story was a bit longer it would have felt more balanced. Other than that, this was a fun read and I'll definitely pick up the next book in the series.

Caged Warrior (Dragon Kings, Bk 1)
Caged Warrior (Dragon Kings, Bk 1)
Author: Lindsey Piper
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/7/2013
Helpful Score: 3

My first thoughts after finishing the novel: "Brutally Amazing!" This is not your typical paranormal romance, no fangs and delicate kisses here. I don't write typical reviews, meaning I don't summarize the story. I will, however, give my overall thoughts because this story actually demands it.

I had no clue what to expect, since I'm not too familiar with the author's work. Lindsay Piper aka Carrie Lofty is known for her lovely romances. So, logically I expected a well written, but 'typical' paranormal romance.

HA! I could not have been more wrong. This book blew me away! There was nothing 'typical' about it. The world Miss Piper created was one of the most original I have read in a very long time. The characters, mainly the Dragon Kings, were just as impressive.

Our Heroine, Nynn, is introduced to the reader in a such violent way, I was slightly taken aback. She has been captured by a drug cartel, whom have also destroyed her family, endured months of experimentation in a mad scientist sick lab, only to be dumped into the underground world of slavery and cage fighting. Her only guide in this twisted new world is Leto, a seemingly compassionless warrior, who's tasked with turning Nynn into fighter by a sadistic means necessary.

This is a story full of hard edges. After reading the first 20 or so pages, I began to worry that these characters lacked depth. That perhaps, Miss Piper just sought to shock readers and keep them cringing. Again, I was dead wrong. Though our hero and heroine are constantly tested and forced to endure immeasurably cruelty, they manage to find solace in each other. They change each other in such beautiful and unexpected ways. The love that grows between them is not without sacrifice and it's never easy, which made reading about it breathtaking. This is not a romance for the faint of heart. However for those brave enough, Caged Warrior provides a gritty heart wrenching tale of passion, horror, and the struggle of one of the most memorable literary couples. Do not pass up this series!

Coveted (Coveted, Bk 1)
Coveted (Coveted, Bk 1)
Author: Shawntelle Madison
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/22/2014

Mixed feeling after reading Coveted. There were a few times in the beginning I was just going to ditch it for something else, but I forced myself to at least read the first 50 pages. While I didn't love the story, I'm glad I finished the book. It definitely had some great moments and Nat and her friends grew on me. However, I didn't care for Thorn or his way of treating Nat. I rather hope we see more of Nick in the next novel, Kept, instead. Overall, this was an okay read and the series shows potential. I'm going to start Kept next, which will determine if this is a series I'm going to follow or not.

Dark Days (Black London, Bk 6)
Dark Days (Black London, Bk 6)
Author: Caitlin Kittredge
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/16/2013

5,000 STARS..... But is this the end of the series???

From the epilogue, it seems very possible. Book ending or series end? Either way, it was a nice wrap up. Not too many authors can write an end so final yet with so many possibilities. I love this series, so I do hope there's more!

Darkness Hunts (Dark Angels, Bk 4)
Darkness Hunts (Dark Angels, Bk 4)
Author: Keri Arthur
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/9/2013
Helpful Score: 1

I was thrilled when I picked up the first book in the Dark Angels series. I'm a huge fan of The Riley Jenson series and couldn't wait to once again immerse myself in that world. And as expected, I loved Risa and Darkness Unbound was a spectacular read. But....

I have issues with this installment and the direction of the series in general. Because I'm a fan of Keri Arthur's work, I'm going to attempt to explain rather than simply ranting. My biggest complaint is the progression, or lack thereof, in the series. I feel like books 1-4 have almost identical plots that it's hard to distinguish one from another. To some degree in every book Risa does the following: hunts for the keys, is sexually frustrated with Azriel, manipulated by Lucien, must protect her loved ones that are threatened, harassed by Hunter, AND captured and tortured. All while trying to solve another case that's dumped on her lap.

Though the 'case' is different in each book, the rest seems to remain the same. While reading Darkness Hunts, I kept asking myself "didn't the same thing happen in the last book?" or "did I already read that part?" Nothing felt terribly NEW in Darkness Hunts. Sadly, this made the book easy to put down and even the gritty actions scenes, couldn't stave off feelings of boredom.

My second biggest irritation is Lucien. I found myself disgusted by the lying, manipulation, and even hate Risa tolerated, simply because 'he's amazing in bed.' Honestly, it was hard to read. Thankfully, it does seem like now she's done with him. Unfortunately, it seemed to take assault to her get there. I was glad
it was finally revealed to the reader and Risa, who Lucien really is and how he connects with her father. That was very telling on so many levels.

On a more positive note, I do like the relationship developing between Risa and Azriel. From his introduction in the first book, it was readily apparent Azriel was a man that was meant to be in her life. The pace of their developing relationship is another thing. It's painfully slow. Although their 'moments' together are explosive and delicious to read, I can't see any big changes in the immediate future.

My favorite characters Riley, Rhoan, Quinn all made appearances.

Darkness Hunts isn't an easy book to rate. There were a few parts I loved, but they did not make up for the areas I found lacking. Still even with all the problems I had reading this, Keri Arthur's writing skills are still amazing and I will continue the series.

Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse, Bk 12)
Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse, Bk 12)
Author: Charlaine Harris
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/6/2012
Helpful Score: 7

3.5 Stars

What I liked:
-Many characters from previous books made an appearance
-Loose ends were finally tied up, especially with the local fae
-Some people/vamps/fae/shifters/etc. finally showed their true colors (though it had been obvious to readers for quite awhile)
-The ending seemed to solidly round out the story, while showing promise for the next and final book
-Sookie did NOT get her a$$ kicked constantly throughout the entire story (she needed a break)!

What I didn't like:
-I felt like the plot of the story was easily discerned within the first few chapters, but Sookie was clueless for most of the book.
-Sookie's friends (minus one), family, and lover treat her rather carelessly and still expect a lot in return (I know this isn't new, but it's still annoying).
-There wasn't much romance or passion. Without passion, the story lacked the derived emotional response needed to conceptualize the betrayal Sookie felt.
-While a lot of Sookie's friends and family were finding or have found their "happily ever afters" in Deadlocked, Sookie barely found reason to smile (about anything personal anyway). I know Sookie will not get her happy ending until Dead Ever After, but she should have given something because the story felt rather unbalanced in that aspect.
-The business with the Felipe, his vampires, and Eric was mostly left up in the air and unfinished.

Overall, I felt Deadlocked was significantly better than the previous two installments and a solid addition to the series. I didn't love it, but I did enjoy reading it. So, I'm looking forward to reading Sookie's final adventure in Dead Ever After next year.

Author: Erica Hayes
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/13/2014


Surprisingly great read! Fans of Kenyon's The League Series should definitely give this book a try. More detailed review to come...

Grave Echoes: A Kate Waters Mystery
Grave Echoes: A Kate Waters Mystery
Author: Erin Cole
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/30/2011
Helpful Score: 1

I'm not going to try a summarize the story, there's a perfectly good one already provided. But, I will say Erin Cole wrote the BEST Mystery I've read in a long time!

My favorite thing though was the way she made all the creepy eerie events reach right out of the book to scare the pants off me in my own home. I'm always marveled at an author who came make the simplest things (like oh a window that keeps opening) seem like the most terrifying thing ever. Erin brilliantly blended a great mystery with seemingly normal events, intertwined elements of the paranormal, to create a story so life-like that it demands your full attention! The characters and their world were so beautifully described that I was able to picture everything without feeling bombarded by information (a big pet peeve of mine).

I normally follow book series that are mostly Paranormal Romance or Urban Fantasy, but Grave Echoes gave me a new genre to love. I can't wait for the next Kate Waters Mystery.

Heart of Steel (Iron Seas, Bk 2)
Heart of Steel (Iron Seas, Bk 2)
Author: Meljean Brook
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/8/2014

3 Stars...Slightly disappointed with this installment.

I liked the characters, the settings, the amount of action, yet overall the story fell flat for me. It probably had something to do with the romance being drug out until the final moments of the book, which then just ended abruptly. Don't get me wrong, disregarding any romantic expectations, this was an action packed read. Readers of the series will most likely enjoy it, although I found it lacking. My favorite thing about the book was Yasmeen, I loved her character.

Kitty in the Underworld (Kitty Norville, Bk 12)
Kitty in the Underworld (Kitty Norville, Bk 12)
Author: Carrie Vaughn
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/12/2013

3 Stars

This really felt like a full-length novella. The story was mostly entertaining. However, it lacked substance and consequently failed to build upon the overall story arc of the series.

Major details of this book: Kitty is kidnapped, learns a bit more about Roman & the long game, possibly gains ally (hint, she's on the cover), and finally Kitty returns to her loved ones. There's nothings much gained or lost, which makes this feel like a "filler" book. It really would have worked better as a novella. Shorten it up and it would have been an EXCELLENT novella.

Another important detail (rather lacking details), is the secondary cast of characters (Ben, Cormac, the Pack, etc.) is largely missing from the majority of the story. For this reason alone, I could have taken or left this one.

Lust for Life (WVMP Radio, Bk 4)
Lust for Life (WVMP Radio, Bk 4)
Author: Jeri Smith-Ready
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/5/2013

2.5 Stars

I wish I could rate this higher because this is generally a great series. However, I feel there's some confusion with Let it Bleed becoming the final installment, Lust for Life (WVMP Radio, Bk 4). But, DO read the eNovella (free summer 2013) Let it Bleed (WVMP Radio, Bk 3.5) first. Unlike most novellas this one is a crutial part of the story. Okay back to the review...

To put it simply, the story felt rushed and the details inconsistant. I know the author wanted to end the series. I just wish that the plot and characters hadn't been sacrificed in the process.

A FEW HIGHLIGHTS: The begining started out solid. Our favorite vamps & DJs are celebrating Holloween at the Smoking Pig, everyone seems to be having a good time....until the place goes up in flames. Well partially anyway. The culpret is searched for. Ciara and Shane try to plan a wedding. Another conspiracy is discovered. Old friendships are tested. New friend are made. Some characters are killed off. Or are they? Here's where it gets really strange...

After that it becomes confusing and...well...just plain freaking weird. I don't even know how to describe the trippy ending. In way it was sweet, but it also didn't feel authentic to Ciara's world.

Masque of the Red Death
Masque of the Red Death
Author: Bethany Griffin
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/14/2013

4 Masques, ooops I mean STARS!

Excellent read! Because I find it hard to connect with young characters, I generally don't read much YA. This book, however, had an intelligent protagonist, a vividly disturbing world, creative plot twists, and a smoothe flowing writing style. The world building was quite interesting because it was simply done, yet still managed to be impactive and boldly imaginative. Though, there was sort of a love triangle, there was NOT much (if any) brooding or angst. This helped lend the young character maturity and depth. I could go on and on about how unqiue and wonderfully twisted the story was. But, I'll end with this: If your intrigued by porcelain masques, religious zealots, crazed scientists, a pompous prince, debouchery, fabulous corsets, and plenty of bloody carnage try Masque of the Red Death you won't be disappointed!

I'm definitly looking forward to book 2: Dance of the Red Death

Ministry Protocol: Thrilling Tales of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences
Review Date: 6/13/2014

Overall, this was well put together anthology to represent the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series. Most of the characters in each story REALLY did seem as if they could be proper ministry operatives. However, as few didn't quite fit for me. Rather than go into too much detail, I'll just rate the entries separately:

--The New Recruit by Leanna Renee Hieber: 5 STARS, lovely story about a young recruit, an orphan girl, who upon be booted from an orphanage, ends up on the Ministry doorstep. The girl is quite gifted and is given a task involving ghosts and a steampunk dragonfly. There's also a cameo by Wellington! The ending had a unexpected sad twist. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed this tale!

--A Feast of Famine by Karina Cooper: 3.5 STARS, entertaining tale about two female operatives (one very unlikely), but both of whom I wouldn't mind seeing in future novels. Fun read!

--Chinoiserie by Tiffany Trent: 3 STARS, tale about an operative sent to china to collect artifacts in the midst of a war. He indeed finds a unique item but gets quite a bit more than be bargained for on the train ride home. Fun to read, but the story didn't fit quite "The Ministry" world as well as others.

--Panther Nights by Gleen Freund: 2.5 STARS, Dr. Sound sends an agent Flowerdew to Belize to uncover the mystery of a possible missing agent, multiple disappears, and murders at a lumber camp. I didn't care much for this tale, it felt more like a horror short and lacked elements of steampunk. Not a fit for this anthology, in my humble opinion.

--New London Calling by Peter Woodworth:4.5 STARS, A very dapper Ministry operative is sent to assist an inventive archivist in uncovering and disabling a mysterious device that is causing destruction in the States. This tale was full of action and entertainment! There're gadgets, fist fights, gun battles, and a nutty group of Henrys'. This was a perfect Ministry tale and I would love to see cameos of agents Bernard and Arthur in the future!

--Where the River Shines by Dan Rabarts: 2 STARS, in New Zealand two ministry agents are trying to recover a stolen artifact and apprehend the thief, in the midst of dealing with hostile natives. I liked the 'idea' of the story. It had elements of steampunk and could very well have been logged into The Ministry archives, however the writing was rather confusing. I had a difficult time picturing the events as they were described, which ultimately ruined it for me.

--The Incident of the Clockwork Mikoshi by Lauren Harris: 5 STARS, Ministry Agent Lawrence P. Dagenhart is sent to Japan to assist Investigator Ogawa, whom he is startled to learn is female. The pair are trying to uncover the mystery behind the murder of an important clock-maker. Let me just say I loved these two characters. Dagenhart is tall, has mechanical arm, carries a large colt revolver, and rides a huge horse named Burtus. In short, he sticks out like sore thumb in Japan, but doesn't care one whit. Contrarily, Ogawa is small, soft spoken, but is fast and can fight better than most men. These two are trying to thwart a clock-work bombing in the middle of a traditional parade. Much chaos ensues, yet I did detect very subtle hints of a possible romance between these two characters. It was refreshing and surprising! Loved these two and the story, definitely a favorite!

--The Trouble with Phoenixes by Jaren Axelrod: 4.5 STARS, this story takes place at Ministry Headquarters in London, England. All of my favorite characters are there, mainly Eliza Braun and Mr. Wellington Books! This was a funny tale. A inventor, Agent Axelrod, in the R&D department seeks advice about dating Eliza from Wellington, much to Welly's dismay! Lets just say Eliza does not have a most pleasant evening. As punishment she goads Axelrod into a fighting ring, where upon he makes use of some of his inventions. The story ends with a rocket fueled top hat escape, an angry singed Eliza, and a most pleased Wellington. Perfect story for this anthology!

--The Boy, the Bomb, and the Witch Who Returned by Alex White: 2 STARS, a time traveling Baba Yaga makes an appearance in this tale. To be honest I can't recall much about this entry...except there was a house with chicken legs. It was okay, but not my favorite.

--Our Lady of Monsters by Delilah S. Dawson: 3.5 STARS, baker and previously inactive agent Anne-Marie Bouvier is called upon to partner with Agent Joseph Tipping by Dr. Sound. The pair need to uncover the mystery behind the unexplainable deaths at Notre Dame. Oddly, enough the clues lead them to a brothel and an unusual madam. Kidnapping and chaos ensue, along with mechanized grotesques, revenge, and the detestable House of Usher. This was a well written Ministry tale, though I must say the note at the end had me scratching my head, second guessing certain things.

--The Mystery of the Thrice Dead Man by J.R. Blackwell: 4.5 STARS, this is a must read as Archivist Wellington is the story's main character. I don't want to give anything away, but I will say Welly takes a forced "holiday" with Agent Blackwell to investigate some unusual commonalities in the archives. The trip takes place on an airship, where pirates, fights, mechanical failures, and an unlikely dead relative all make an appearance. Perfect story for this anthology!

--The Clockwork Samaria by Jack Mangan: 3 STARS, it was late when I finished this and to be honest I can't recall much of this one. I may have to re-read it and update this review.

--A Nocturne for Alexandra by Tee Morris: 5 STARS, this was an amazing story. It tells the story of how The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences was formed, which I'm very glad to have learned. I don't want to ruin anything, so I will keep this review very brief. In London England 1839 a Professor Culpepper Source is granted an audience with Queen Victoria. Their meeting changes the course of how England will govern 'peculiar' events and who shall deal with those. I was quite impressed with how Queen Victoria handled the situation and the events that followed. I would love a more in depth story about the early days and the forming of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. Perfect ending to this lovely anthology!

*****WOULD RECCOMEND THIS TO ALL FANS OF THE MINISTRY OF PECULAIR OCCURANCES SERIES, and to those who are thinking of giving the series a try!******

Parasite (Parasitology, Bk 1)
Parasite (Parasitology, Bk 1)
Author: Mira Grant
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/10/2013
Helpful Score: 1

ARC Reviewed

LOVED IT! Who knew parasites could be so interesting? The story that unfolds is not the story I expected, it's infinetley better...MUCH BETTTER!

This is an extemely hard book to review without giving away spoilers. So for now, I won't try. But I will say, I do think fans of The Newsflesh series will pleased. Surprised? Yes, that too, but pleasently so. I was afraid nothing would compare to the epic scale of the Newsflesh trilogy. So, ultimatly anything "less than" was bound to be let down. I can honestly say that after devouring Parasite (not to be done lightly, lol) the possible repercussions put forth are terrifying. The Parasitology Trilogy is sure to be a twisted journey of unlikely, possibly unwilling, heroes with plently of frighteningly beautiful moments along the way. "Frighteningly beautiful?" Yes, I know that sounds rather odd. However....I promise it totally fits for these characters. I'm already sweating the release of the next installment because I NEED TO KNOW. :)

Reflected in You (Crossfire, Bk 2)
Reflected in You (Crossfire, Bk 2)
Author: Sylvia Day
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/27/2013

3.5 Stars

Frustrating & predictable at times hence the 3.5 Star rating. BUT... it was also addictive, I found myself flying through the pages. Even though there were things that annoyed the hell outta me, I couldn't help but be captivated by Eva and Gideon's chemistry. I have to say Sylvia Day's style of writing is truly fuck*n amazing. It's not often I read something and can truly FEEL the emotions burning between the characters. The sexual tension, heartbreak, and desperate longing were palpable and gut-wrenching. Whatever faults I had with certain aspects of the story, Day's baffling masterful ability to torture AND entice the reader right along with the characters MORE than made up for it. I'd definitely recommend it all who enjoyed the first Crossfire installment and/or ANYONE who enjoys a beautifully torturing chaos infused erotic romance.

Rogue Descendant (Nikki Glass, Bk 3)
Rogue Descendant (Nikki Glass, Bk 3)
Author: Jenna Black
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/21/2013

3.5 Stars.

I almost went with 4 stars because it was quite entertaining with plenty of action. However, the plot /mystery was thin. Most of the drama was easily avoidable, ya know if the characters would have been willing to talk before leaping head first into action (hands firmly over eyes). The romance elements didn't work for me either. I actually DO like Jamaal as a love interest for Nikki, but if it isn't going to go anywhere I'd rather it be left out all together. Nonetheless, this STILL was a fun book to read and I finished it in less than a day. I REALLY REALLY hope there are more books planned for this series or I just read one of the strangest endings....

Shadow Heir (Dark Swan, Bk 4)
Shadow Heir (Dark Swan, Bk 4)
Author: Richelle Mead
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/7/2012

First of all let me say that it is extremely hard to write this review without any spoilers, but I shall try. I enjoyed this, really enjoyed even...until the ending. But before I get to that, I'll recap the parts I liked the most. For the first time, Eugenie seems to be making real progress as a Queen, as a sister, a friend, and in general towards becoming a better person. She no longer charges into every situation without thinking of others first. Eugenie has to make the difficult choice of where to have children. The choice she makes is emotionally difficult for her, but ultimately safest for her twins. As a result, she meets a wonderful family and learns to appreciate a simple quieter lifestyle. But when Otherworld is threatened by a nasty winter blight, Eugenie and Dorian, along with a small group of their allies (even the plague that is Kiyo), rally to confront and destroy a new and mostly uknown enemy. Throughout all the fighting and choas that comes to pass, Eugenie doesn't forget to think of others first and how her actions will affect them. This is HUGE progress for her. She's not perfect, but she IS trying. In the final chapters a new twist to the Storm King's Prophecy is revealed and changes everything and NOTHING. But what becomes even more apparent is that Kiyo is an even BIGGER Douchebag than I ever imagined. I knew he became a single minded, selfish, twisted SCUMBAG but I never imagined he was so cold and calculated right from the begining...

Now...the ending. How could Miss Mead have Eugenie make a decision like that without consulting anyone or one person in particular?!? After all the progess Eugenie has made, her decision in regards to her children's future seems like something the "old Eugenie" would have done. It may be the "right" thing to do (we'll never know) but it wasn't her choice alone. I feel like had Eugenie chose differently there would have been quite a few more chapters to this book and the author took the easy way out. I know that sounds harsh, but the book seemed to progess in a certian direction with Eugenie and Dorian's relationship. They were building trust and trying to better understand eachother and they deserved better than the sloppy ending they got. As a result, I felt cheated as a reader. I was so excited to see how they would handle things together. I couldn't wait to read their reactions to everything that was revealed. I didn't get any of it, NADDA, just some brief thoughts of Eugenies and a bunch of indecision. It was very frustrating. I'm sure I'll pick up another of Miss Mead's book eventually. However, since I was thoroughly disappointed to the ending of another of her series, I fear this may become a pattern.

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