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Book Review of Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones

Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones

Raymond Moody, who I feel is a bona fide truth seeker and very highly trained scientist explores various methodologies that have been used for thousands of years to contact the spirits of departed loved ones. Dr. Moody visits a part of Greece where an ancient architectural structure was used as a sort of sensory deprivation chamber. According to historical records, groups of people would enter the chambers and stay for a period of time, and were then introduced to an urn filled with water, used as a reflective surface. Inexplicably, through either trance states or other forms of altered consciousness, contact was made with departed loved ones. The departed would either appear as luminescent entities or sometimes fully formed.

I enjoyed reading the narrative of Dr. Moody's discoveries, as I feel that he's both a pioneer and a dedicated scientist. He even experimented with creating one of these chambers on his own when he returned to the U.S. and I believe he continues to offer its use to anyone interested in attempting to contact their beloved relatives and friends who have passed away. A fascinating read.