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The Eclectic Pen - Lavender the helpful fish

By: Kim F. - ,   + 3 more  
Date Submitted: 4/2/2010
Last Updated: 4/2/2010
Genre: Children's Books
Words: 1,086

  Once there lived a fish, named Lavender, who could cast magical spells. The only catch, however, was that the spells had to be sincere and teach a lesson. This was not easy; in fact Lavender could not remember ever actually casting a spell, since everyone she had ever met always seemed so perfect.

Then one day, everything changed, and she discovered three animals in need: a cat, a purple elephant, and a butterfly. The cat was always very selfish and never wanted to help anyone, unless he got something in return. The elephant always seemed to be shunned away like the ugly ducking, and the butterfly always seemed to hurt others and never make friends. Lavender thought and thought then decided she would teach the cat the true meaning of helping others; the elephant about inner beauty and the butterfly about how a true friend should be.

So, the next day when the cat came to get a drink at the pond, the cat saw the fish and decided to try to catch it for dinner. Lavender spoke for the first time to the cat. “Hello cat, could I please have your help by not eating me? “What would I get in return”, said the cat. “Well I have nothing to give you, said the fish. “Then I will not spare you.” “Oh, Please, I beg you; I promise if you spare my life you will get the best reward ever”. The cat thought about this and thought about this, then decided “Ok, I will spare you, so where is my reward”. “Just wait, said Lavender you will receive it soon”. Then Lavender cast her spell: “Magic, Magic come to me; let this spell I cast be. I ask you please let it be, the meaning of help shown to thee. As I will it, so mote it be.” All of a sudden, the most astounding thing happened to the cat, the cat began to feel a feeling he had never felt before. “What is this feeling I feel”, the cat asked. “Why that must be the reward I mentioned”, said the fish, “how do you like your reward?” “Well I love it, I never thought I could ever feel this way, Thanks fish, how can I ever repay you?” “Just always remember to help others in need and not expect things in return, and that in itself will not only repay me, but will help you as well.” “I will thanks”, then the cat wandered off to go share what he had learned with others and Lavender went to sleep wondering who would visit her pond tomorrow.

The next day, while swimming around in her pond, the purple elephant slowly approached the pond to take a bath and saw Lavender. “Hello elephant, how are you doing today?” “Ok, but why are you talking to me, no one ever talks to me. I am nothing but an ugly elephant, who everyone avoids.” “Why do you say that, you are beautiful, don’t you know that all of God’s creations are beautiful?” Then Lavender cast another spell: “Magic, Magic come to me; let this spell I cast be. I ask you please let it be, show inner beauty to thee. As I will it so mote it be.” All of a sudden, the most miraculous thing happened to the elephant; the elephant began to feel a feeling he had never felt before. “What is this feeling I feel”, the elephant asked. “Why that must be your inner beauty shining though”, said the fish, “how do you like it?” “Well I love it, I never thought I could ever feel this way about myself, thanks fish, how can I ever repay you?” “Just always remember to look deeper than what is on the outside, and always look at what is on the inside, and then you will have not only repaid me, but helped yourself and others as well.” “I will thanks”, then the elephant walked off to go share what he had learned with others and Lavender again went to sleep wondering who would visit her pond the next day.

Bright and early, in the morning while Lavender was swimming around again in her pond a butterfly came fluttering by boasting how she was the best creature that ever lived, and no one could ever top her. “Oh, I am the best, the best you see, no one can ever be better than me.” “Hello butterfly, how can you say such a thing?” “How dare you talk to me, you lowly fish!” “I just want to help, don’t you know you will never make friends if you keep putting yourself above everyone else and holding on to so much pride.” “You are hurting others by what you are saying; have you ever thought about how you would feel if someone treated you this way?” Then Lavender decided to cast her spell: “Magic, Magic come to me; let this spell I cast be. I ask you please let it be, shown how a true friend should be. As I will it so mote it be.” All of a sudden the most wonderful feeling came over the butterfly, a feeling the butterfly had never felt before. “What is this feeling I feel?” the butterfly asked. “Why that must be the feeling of how it feels to finally have a friend.” “How do you like it?” “Well I love it, I never thought I would ever feel this way, thanks fish, how can I ever repay you?” “Just always remember to treat others the way you want them to treat you in return, and don’t let differences come between you and others.”, and then you will have not only repaid me, but helped yourself as well.” “I will thanks”, then the butterfly fluttered off to go share what she had learned with others, and Lavender again went to sleep wondering who would visit her pond the next day and the days to follow. Lavender loved helping all animals and kept helping and helping for helping others will always help you as well.

The End!!!

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Kim F. - , - 4/2/2010 11:43 AM ET
I wrote this for my daughter, whose name is Lavender. I got the idea from 3 of her toys, it is my first attempt to write a story. Hope you enjoy!!!
Jan K. (autumnswan) - , - 4/2/2010 4:16 PM ET
Good story content and very well written. You have talent and should continue to compose some more stories. Mom
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