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The Eclectic Pen - The Wolf

By: Alan (arkrebel) -   + 24 more  
Date Submitted: 2/3/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 191

  Silent against the night, dark coat
shimmering blackly, reflected by trails of tears
in dark alleys of fear held close to the heart of all
who feel his shadow caressing their pain.

Eyes shining through devastated dreams of love
found shattered against the cold hard stone
of unfaithful demons professing everlasting devotion,
but to none other than themselves.

Feeding upon the lies and immoral meanderings
of heartless thieves who steal hope from promises,
leaving behind empty shells to gather the remains
of misplaced desires turned to dust.

Teeth glinting bright, but stained with the blood
of passion spent foolishly on empty souls,
who are bound only by their profane vows of
unholy matrimony to their own selfish compulsions.

Sniffing the air, savoring the stench of shattered lives,
laying to rot in the emotional gutter of discontent,
where colorless rainbows lead only to pots of
tarnished coins turning quickly to rust.

Prowling stealthily through the debris of innocence forsaken,
discarded and forever lost to the wrath of wanton lust,
tearing at the throat of soft victims held helpless beneath
the strength of dark angels of desire.

The Wolf, dark scavenger of broken hearts,
lies in satiated repose, having fed on feasts of
anguish, dreams quietly through the day,
knowing the night comes quickly and the hunt goes on.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Alan (arkrebel) -

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Comments 1 to 3 of 3
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 2/3/2007 7:36 PM ET
Loved the characterization and personification of the wolf.
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 2/3/2007 7:45 PM ET
It strikes me that this beast is more human than animal.
Alan (arkrebel) - - 2/4/2007 5:52 AM ET
Astute observation Claudia. He is "the beast within".
Comments 1 to 3 of 3