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The Eclectic Pen - Perceptions

By: Alan (arkrebel) -   + 24 more  
Date Submitted: 2/3/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 199

  Looking back...looking forward,
Sometimes it's all the same,
Differences lie in perceptions.

Destiny does not travel in a straight path.
It twists, turns, circles back...
Meanders and winds through our lives,
Taking us here and there,
Intersecting with others on their own path...
For a moment, for a time, for a lifetime.

Having its way with our thoughts,
With our dreams and with our lives.
And what does it leave behind?
What do WE leave behind...with those we meet,
Those we touch...those we love,
Even if only for that brief moment?

It is the essence of who we are,
What we feel,
And is pain,
The pain of saying goodbye,
The pain of love that dies,
The pain of dreams never meant to come true.

The purpose...our purpose, often unclear,
Disguised by the haze of plans laid to waste
By the random events of our lives.
Or are they really random?

Does every step we take truly lead us somewhere,
Or do we sometimes stray from the path
We were meant to take?
To explore, to experience, if only for a while,
The thrill of being lost,
Only to return to where we were meant to be,
Where ever that may be.

Questions with no clear answers,
Unanswerable questions,
All a part of life,
With its joy,
With its pain,
With its tears and laughter.

Living, Loving, Laughing, Crying...Dying...
Sometimes it's all the same,
Differences lie in perceptions.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Alan (arkrebel) -

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Claudia (BrokenWing) - 2/3/2007 7:30 PM ET
To me this expresses a certain "Weltschmerz" (a german word not found in English) and the pain inherent in being human. Well done; I liked it.
IONE L. (zaneygraylady) - 2/4/2007 4:27 PM ET
I like your philosophy.
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