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Favorite Recipes: 14 Karat Cake

Recipe Author

Name: Katrina S. (yellowbird)
Total Recipes: 3



14 Karat Cake

Dish: Other
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time: 35 -40 min


2 c sifted flour

2 tsp baking powder

11/2 tsp baking soda

11/2 tsp salt

11/2 c salad oil

4 eggs

2 cups finely grated raw carrots

1 (81/2 oz) can crushed pineapple, drained

1/2 c chopped nuts (if desired)

1 (3 1/2 oz can flaked coconut (optional)

Cream Cheese Frosting (recipe follows)

Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt & cinnamon. (great tip I learned from chef: instead of sifting, simply mix the ingredients well with a whip (got mine for $1 at $1 store); Add sugar, salad oil & eggs; mix well. Add carrots (use food processor etc & it's a snap) pineapple, nuts & coconut. Frankly, I have never seen coconut in a can; I use the bags & measure out. Blend thoroughly. Fill layers & frost top & sides with Cream Cheese Frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting: Combine 1/2 c butter or margarine, 1 (8 oz pkg) cream cheese & 1 tsp vanilla; cream well. Gradually add 1 lb confectioners sugas (sifted if lumpy) beating well. If mixture is too thick to spread add a small amount of milk.


The Cream Cheese Frosting can be used any time on other cakes but is outstanding on this cake. It is from Farm Home Journal's Country Cookbook, orig printed 1959 revised 1972. Found again on Ebay after missing for 6 years when someone borrowed to copy some recipe's & never returned! I used to have a cookbook collection, once I discovered these, I gave the others away!

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