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Top 100 Book Reviewers at PaperBackSwap

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Helpful Review Votes
1 GeniusJen Jennifer W. (GeniusJen)
2 cathyskye Cathy C. (cathyskye) - , Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
3 Leigh Leigh Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
4 Anny P. (wolfnme)
5 ophelia99 Karissa E. (ophelia99)
6 Pam B. (PamelaK) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Double Diamond medalPrintable Postage medal
7 esjro Elizabeth R. (esjro) - , Standard Member medalMember of the Month medalTour Guide Leader medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Cruise Attendee medalPBS Blog Contributor medalPrintable Postage medal
8 jai Janice Y. (jai) PBS Blog Contributor medal
9 obsidianfire Dorothy R. (obsidianfire) Standard Member medal
10 daedelys daedelys - Friend of PBS-Diamond medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
11 ccwriter Carly C. (ccwriter) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
12 Donna C. (g-ma) Standard Member medal
13 AZmom875 Heather F. (AZmom875) - , Friend of PBS-Silver medal
14 scrapbooklady Janis K. (scrapbooklady)
15 buzzby John O. (buzzby) - , Friend of PBS-Diamond medal
16 susieqmillsacoustics SUSAN S. (susieqmillsacoustics) - ,
17 BetsyP Elisabeth P. (BetsyP) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
18 daredevilgirl013 Ashley B. (daredevilgirl013) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
19 Donna E. (impossible)
20 barbsis Barbara S. (barbsis) - ,
21 mamadoodle Sherri H. (mamadoodle) - ,
22 frazerc Cynthia F. (frazerc) PBS Blog Contributor medal
23 mahbaar Jane (mahbaar) Member of the Month medal
24 Nancy G. (ComfyReader)
25 Spuddie Cheryl R. (Spuddie) - , Friend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
26 njmom3 Nada A. Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medal
27 skywriter319 Stephanie S. (skywriter319) - ,
28 candieb Candy B. (candieb)
29 Minehava Lenka S. Standard Member medalBook Cover Image Group medalBook Data Correction Group medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
30 MELNELYNN Melanie (MELNELYNN) Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
31 althea Althea M. (althea)
32 perryfran Frank H. (perryfran) Standard Member medal
33 sfc95 Marianne S. (sfc95) - , Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
34 jazzysmom Connie A. (jazzysmom) - ,
35 bellasgranny Vivian Q. (bellasgranny) - , Friend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
36 Mistry Kim (Mistry) - Standard Member medal
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Yvonne L.
38 virgosun Regina (virgosun) Standard Member medal
39 Alice B. Standard Member medal
40 Bibliocrates A. J. C. (Bibliocrates)
41 robinmy Robin M. (robinmy) - , Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
42 R E K. (bigstone) - , Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
43 thameslink SALLY W. (thameslink) - Friend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
44 junie June E. (junie) - Standard Member medalBook Cover Image Group medalBook Data Correction Group medalTour Guide medalFriend of PBS-Silver medalPBS Cruise Attendee medal
45 RockStarGirl Amanda (RockStarGirl) Standard Member medal
46 Readnmachine Lynda C. (Readnmachine) Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
47 Candace G. (Ogre)
48 Bonnie Bonnie S. (Bonnie) - Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medalPrintable Postage medal
49 cosmichomicide Karen F. (cosmichomicide) Standard Member medal
50 algernon99 Richard M. (algernon99) - , Standard Member medal
51 bookaddicted Charlie M. (bookaddicted) - , Standard Member medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
52 Marta J. (booksnob)
53 ladycholla Bonnie A. (ladycholla) - , Friend of PBS-Diamond medal
54 TXGrobanite Keri (TXGrobanite)
55 vintagejoy Joy L. (vintagejoy) - Standard Member medalMember of the Month medalBook Cover Image Group medalBook Data Correction Group medalTour Guide Leader medalFriend of PBS-Silver medalPBS Blog Contributor medalPrintable Postage medal
56 CocoCee CM C. (CocoCee) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
57 Chocoholic Nancy A. (Chocoholic) Friend of PBS-Gold medal
58 Laura P. (hemmputnam)
59 ilovedale3 Lorrie M. (ilovedale3)
60 TarynC Taryn C. (TarynC) - , Standard Member medal
61 Erinyes Damaris C. (Erinyes) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
62 Rebemdee Rebecca H. (Rebemdee)
63 rubberducky Kim H. (rubberducky) Friend of PBS-Silver medal
64 Ladyslott Linda S. (Ladyslott)
65 LaurieS Laurie S. (LaurieS)
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Kristina A.
67 Victoria (YSB) -
68 Moonpie N R. (Moonpie) Standard Member medal
69 CozyLover Kristin (CozyLover)
70 eadieburke Eadie B. (eadieburke) - , Standard Member medal
71 luluinphilly Michele (luluinphilly) - ,
72 Kmarie Kathryn (Kmarie) - ,
73 bookaddict bookaddict Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
74 donkeycheese Wendy H. (donkeycheese) - , Member of the Month medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
75 Bren (Breninithaca)
76 kdurham2813 Kristin D. (kdurham2813) PBS Blog Contributor medal
77 dollycas Lori C. (dollycas) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medalPrintable Postage medal
78 Debbie C. (Froglover)
79 BaileysBooks Amy B. (BaileysBooks)
80 Pat D. (pat0814) PBS Blog Contributor medal
81 Teresa H. (WarEagle78)
82 Mary B. (eagles)
83 justreadingabook Joan W. (justreadingabook) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPrintable Postage medal
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Willy W.
85 jjares jjares PBS Blog Contributor medal
86 Karen R. (karendawn)
87 Alexis T. (Kyrissaean)
88 Barbara R. (Crop4Fun)
89 mreneerouser Michelle R. (mreneerouser) - , Friend of PBS-Gold medal
90 Amy D. (Iowan) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medalPrintable Postage medal
91 Lenore Lenore D. (Lenore)
92 tish Tish O. (tish) - Friend of PBS-Silver medal
93 Madge C. (dmconn1)
94 bananapancakes Megan (bananapancakes) -
95 Grnemae LaVonne W. (Grnemae) - , Standard Member medalGame Moderator medal
96 MaskedPenguinAvenger MaskedPenguinAvenger
97 Sleepy26177 Sleepy26177
98 mitabird Melissa F. (mitabird)
99 CheriePie Cherie (CheriePie)
100 philippaj Juliana (philippaj) -

*Only members who have their "Book Reviews" set to public in their privacy settings are shown on this list.