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Topic: 2 for 1...get em before I get rid of em.

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obsidianfire avatar
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Subject: 2 for 1...get em before I get rid of em.
Date Posted: 9/27/2007 11:36 PM ET
Member Since: 1/30/2006
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I want to make room and many of the books on my self have been sitting there for too long.  So I'm going to take some of the older ones on my self to the used book store on the 10th of October.  So until then I'm offering a 2 for 1 on all the books on my self.  Hope some one can find some they like, I could use the credits for more wishlist books!

Last Edited on: 9/29/07 6:27 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 9/29/2007 6:15 PM ET
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Bump.  What ever happened to the book deal thread?  I liked that much better.  One thread for all deals.  Like this they just get lost in the shuffle.

Last Edited on: 9/29/07 6:15 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 9/29/2007 6:26 PM ET
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Oh here's a list of some of the better books on my shelf:

Blinded (Dr Alan Gregory) by Stephen White-good murder mystery with cool psycological angle.

Charming Billy by Alic McDermott-Touching Irish immigrant story.

Dark Specter by Michael Dibden- another murder mystery this time with a cult angle.

The Death Artist by Dennis Etchison-anthology of short drama/horror stories.  Not typical horror though, more like personal tragedy horror.

The Hope by James Lovegrove-Excellent horror story just in time for Holloween!  Really good novel about a ship that has taken on a life of it's own out to sea.  Ship is a mile long and is lost at sea.  Not like a haunted ship though.  Really original plot here.

Monster(Alex Delware) by Jonathan Kellerman-I love the Alex Delware series.

There's more murder mystery types on my shelf and other generes as well. No Romance.  Well one of them is that I got from a friend.  It's a Jude Deveraux novel.

Striked through have been taken.


Last Edited on: 10/4/07 11:50 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
quackers avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 6:34 PM ET
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I have ordered The Hope and would like A Long Fatal Love Chase as my free book.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 6:58 PM ET
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I have ordered Monster, Too Late to be Good, Extreme Measure and Charming Billy.




obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 10/3/2007 11:31 PM ET
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Ok, here's a couple more of my favorites of my shelf.

Nightmare by S.K. Epperson-Horror novel taking place in a clinic for patients with multiple personalities.  One of the earlier horrors, when they were'nt all about vampires and haunted houses.

Raveling by Peter Moore Smith-Murder myster involving a pyschothyrapist and two brothers.  One may be a killer.  This books is well written and really keeps you guessing about who the guilty party is.

Show of Evil and Reign in Hell by William Diehl- Great books to get together in 2 for 1.  There are more books by him but these are good ones to read back to back because the same villien plays a part in both books.  Great evil genius type that he just can't seem to catch.  Very good and very action packed.

The Reader by Carol Brown Janeway and Bernhard Schlink-A bit of a lust story but more about the secerets his lover is keeping which are huge secretes indeed.

obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 2:21 PM ET
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obsidianfire avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 5:15 PM ET
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Just added 4 more which are perfect partners for the 2 for 1!

Daredevil and X-Men for the comic books lovers.


A Walk on the Darkside and Alone on the Darkside-Short story anotholgies of horror.