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Favorite Recipes: 222

Recipe Author

Name: Kati W.
Total Recipes: 2




Dish: Other
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time:
Cook Time:

  • - pitcher
  • - spoon
  • 2 - lemons
  • 2 - limes
  • 2 - oranges
  • 2 cups - sugar

1. squeeze the lemons

2. put the lemon juice into the pitcher

3. squeeze the limes

4. put the lime juice into the pitcher with the lemon juice

5. sqeeze the oranges

6. put the orange juice into the pitcher with the lemon and lime juice

7. put 2 cups of sugar into the pitcher with the lemon,lime, and orange juice

8.mix everything together


this is a great drink to have on a nice hot summers day

keep refrigerated until serving

if 2 cups of sugar is too sweet for you than you might want to try putting only 1 1/2 cups of sugar it will still taste great!!

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Wendy W.
8/18/2010 8:38 PM ET
This is easy enough that even I can follow it!
Virginia S. (uninvited-guest)
8/5/2010 4:02 PM ET
You must add water... the juice alone MIGHT equal 2 cups, making this a sugar slurry in which all the sugar would never disolve.
Sally H. (bifaerie79)
7/16/2010 12:01 AM ET
Do you put water in it as well?