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Topic: 4 for 1 sale!!

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Subject: 4 for 1 sale!!
Date Posted: 5/23/2009 2:19 PM ET
Member Since: 9/16/2007
Posts: 63
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Again my shelf is getting bit full--take a look.  If you find something, its 4 for 1, including audio cassette books.  PM me with your choices!  Thanks! Amanda

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Subject: Great deal!
Date Posted: 5/23/2009 2:59 PM ET
Member Since: 1/10/2009
Posts: 207
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I'm ordering Black Sand (Caunitz) and Counterstrike (Flannery). For the freebies, I would like....Forging the Darksword (Hickman), Triumph of Darkswork (Hickman), Rama Revealed (Clarke), Twisted Web (Grace), Wizardborn, and Pay the Devil (Higgins). Thanks!

You may ignore my requestor's conditions. As long as these books are in at least good condition, they will be fine.

Barney avatar
Subject: 4/1
Date Posted: 5/23/2009 3:13 PM ET
Member Since: 11/21/2008
Posts: 76
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We ordered One Silent Night  and would like as freebies

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

The Mensa Murders
Blue Poppy


Thanks for the deal!

Marilyn & Barney

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Subject: .
Date Posted: 5/23/2009 5:06 PM ET
Member Since: 8/11/2008
Posts: 972
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Last Edited on: 6/12/09 5:18 PM ET - Total times edited: 1