1 plus minus equals this the square root of 6 over the nucleus of a cell a cog in a machine built to run not propel but survive melted and gelled over millions of theories beat down by a series of figurative hells Like the New & Improved idea of god in like a lion out like a shot Little Cohesive Entity over there, she sat down and thought but please, excuse me, it must be the pot. 2 religions for pigeons bong hits for the first amendment. for the rights that the government will never append to! the age old "changing times." trading lemons for apples and apples for limes and rusty old spoons for shiny new rhymes. to scour the planet of some caustic grime an onsluaught of free thought store bought labels and nine or ten cables attached to our brains so when we walk in the rain electric pulse pain & fetal position the new! inquisition. 3 aspartame, rid this place of its nasaeous fame and diet coke drinkers, die of cancer. 4 Yes sir! No sir! stop and go sir! the smell of burning flesh still lingers oh the stink! just lick your fingers and taste what you think! |
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