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Topic: 49 Audio Books for 10 credits! Inventory Sell-off!

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Subject: 49 Audio Books for 10 credits! Inventory Sell-off!
Date Posted: 7/27/2007 1:03 PM ET
Member Since: 1/3/2006
Posts: 13
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I have 17 audio books listed on my bookshelf plus the 32 books listed below. Take them all for 10 credits! Audio books must be shipped in the same box, at the same time, to a mainland U.S. address (or anywhere that media mail goes to).

In a week or two, I will have less time in my life to go to the Post Office, and will remove all of my listings. The audio books on my bookshelf are in great conditon, with original boxes. The audio books listed below are "As Is".  Some didn't come up in a search. Some, I just don't think are worth 2 credits (Children's tapes, serman tapes, etc.) Almost all are missing their original boxes. I am listing the number of tapes included, and you can do your own research to see if they are all there. All tapes are consecutive (tapes 1-4), but it would take alot of time to determine if tape #5 exists. All tapes listed below appear to be in good playing condition. I am told that these tapes can be traded on PBS without the box, but finding the ISBN would take alot of time. Usually, audio books are one book for 2 credits, so if you find at least 5 of the 49 books to be of interest to you, you've found a great bargain!

Woodstock The Orla History by Joel Makower (2 tapes)

The Testament by John Grisham (4 tapes)

Patriot Game by Tom Clancy (2 tapes)

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Stevenson (1 tape)

The Firm by John Grisham (2 tapes)

The Partner by John Grisham (4 tapes)

The Bear and the Dragon by Tom Clancy (4 tapes)

Hannibal by Thomas Harris (4 tapes)

The Client by John Grisham (4 tapes)

The Brethren by John Grisham (4 tapes)

The Client by John Grisham (4 tapes, 2nd copy available)

No Greater Love You Family Hour Stories (1 tape)

Lovespell by Colleen Faulkner (1 tape)

Principles to Live By by Evangelist Bill Sturm (1 tape)

James Bond in Living Daylights by Ian Fleming (1 tape)

Wes by James Herriot (1 tape)

The Real Story of Christmas by Skousen ( 1 tape)

The Street Lawyer by John Grisham (2 tapes)

The Tidewater Promise by Jo Goodman (1 tape)

Bare Essentials A Detective Inspector C.D Sloan Mystery (1 tape)

His Needs Her Needs by Willard F. Harley, Jr. (1 tape)

Discover a World of Sounds by Fisher price (1 tape)

Cause and Effect by Catherine Aird (1 tape)

What Joe Learned by Your Family Hour Stories (1 tape)

Little Christmas Star by Troll Associates (1 tape)

Little Red Riding Hood by Fisher Price (1 tape)

Private Schools, Seedbed for Greatness by Reed A. Benson (1 tape)

Little Bear's Friend by Listening Library ( 1 tape)

Snuggle Saves the Day and The Snuggle song ( 1 tape)

A Mischievous Matchmaker by Olivia Sumner (1 tape)

The Little Snowgirl by Carolyn Croll ( 1 tape)

Death Flight by Ed McBain (1 tape)


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JOANNE (joann) - ,
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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 1:16 PM ET
Member Since: 9/2/2005
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Jackie, Just ordered 5 audio books and would love to take you up on the offer. Please let me know if this is still available.



carolceltic avatar
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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 3:24 PM ET
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im interest in take all audio book if there not gone.

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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 4:36 PM ET
Member Since: 1/3/2006
Posts: 13
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Joanne has cleaned off my bookshelf! Carolceltic: Thank you for your offer, but  Joanne asked first. Thank you to everyone that ordered my audio books. I currently have no more audio books available. All 107 audio books that I listed last month are now gone. Thank you! My schedule is about to get a little more hectic, so my account will now go on autopilot. I've got lots of credits, and a very long wish list marked autoship. It will be nice to open the mailbox to a few surprises, even though I won't be listing and shipping books for awhile.