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Ok call me an idiot but what is an ARC book? Does it have a special marking to show it's an ARC book? |
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Advanced Readers Copy - I get these sometimes to review a book before it is published. shame I can't post them, have gotten a few good books! |
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How do you get them to review before they're published? Is this a "job" for you? or do you do it just to read them? |
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ARC's from my understanding are typically only released to professional book reviewers, book stores, and other authors. Basically, it is a way for the book to (hopefully) get some good press before it is released and so that they can print all those reviewers' quotes that you read on the front of the books that you buy. Typically, the copy hasn't gone through final proof reading, so it may have some grammatical or spelling errors. You would know if you have an ARC because it says something like, "Advanced Readers Copy. Not allowed for resale" or something like that. It's pretty clearly printed on there, so if you don't see that on your books, you're okay. If you're wondering how the rest of us get our hands on them...well, there are used book stores who will take them (although I don't think they are supposed to) and resell them. Last Edited on: 7/26/07 1:44 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Sometimes you can go to the publisher's website and sign up for their early reviewer program and they draw so many names each month to get an ARC to review. LibraryThing has a deal like this going with Random House publishing--LT chose 1000 people for the program based on what's in your library I guess, and I've just been notified I got chosen to review another book for that program. (I got picked last month too.) It does say somewhere on the front "Advance Readers Copy, NOT FOR RESALE" on it, and they are NOT legal to trade here at PBS. When I'm done with them, I offer them up free with another order from my bookshelf in the Book Bazaar. Cheryl |
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Thanks for clearing that up guys! |
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Anyone who has ARC's they might like to trade should visit the Book Bazaar. You can post them free with another order from your shelf. Just click on Discussion Forums - Book Bazaar and look for the ARC thread in there. |
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Harper Collins has a program called First Look where you choose what books you would like to read and review and submit your name. You don't always get a book, I think I've gotten 2 in the year or so I've been doing this. But it is neat to get a book (typos and all!) and get a sneak peek at a new author or a new book http://www.harpercollins.com/members/firstlook/index.aspx |
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Here is the ARC's thread Marjorie mentioned: Post your ARC's Here! |
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Just an FYI, I know a lot of us here, myself included, post our ARCs in the Book Bazaar. However, the following email was sent out to those of us who review a lot from one of the publishing houses, and apparently a lot of them are starting to take the same direction: It is both illegal and unethical to sell ARCs online, in stores or otherwise. I have also heard that some publishers are going to start numbering their ARCs and prosecuting the reviewers they were originally sent to if they find the books made available for resale. Swapping books is a gray area since technically you are getting SOMETHING in return even if it isn't money. |
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Bren-thanks for that info! I don't think I could destroy any book though! I joined the Harper Collins book review and got chosen for one book-"Full Of Grace" by Dorothea Benton Frank. It's alot of fun to do! I liked the book so much I'm keeping it. I get monthy emails notifying me of the new book drawings I can sign up for. |
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I couldn't bear to destroy the book either! I would rather swap or give it away then do that. I only have 2 but not sure what happened to one of them. wonder if I leant that to someone? or it could be in a stack of books somewhere! I try to register for most of the ones at Harper Collins but I have only been selected twice. they have one that will close next week, so maybe I'll be chosen for one of those. I wonder how they choose, if it is by a drawing or by what you write about why you want to review the book. |
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I see ARCs for sale at the thrift store all the time. I wonder if I will see any reduction in their availabitlity. |
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I've been on the Harper Collins first look list/program for over a year and never been chosen... |
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