Animal Doctor Author:Lucas Younker DVM, John J. Fried What do you do with a boa with a bad cold? Or with a dog that has devoured a stash of pot? Or a horse riddled by buckshot? Or with a duck that has lost its quack? Or with a very sick cat whose owner violently distrusts your long hair and "hippie" attire? Or with a stray hound that has been run over on Christmas Eve by a heartsick drive... more »r?
Or with the endless variety of other animals brought to you --- each a vividly individual new case, each a fresh challenge?
You love them and do your best --- whether it takes aspirin, or hours of achingly hard work, or even a daring experiment with acupuncture --- to help and heal them. . . Animal Doctor: The human heart can be a pretty big place when you open it to every creature.« less