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The Eclectic Pen - Anniversary

By: Crystal S. (LiveLife)   + 35 more  
Date Submitted: 2/20/2008
Words: 208

  It's been almost 6 years now
The pain is still as great as it was then
Now I have anger that I can't vent at you
Why did you do it, how could you think it?

6 years since you killed yourself
6 years since I lost our daughter
6 years of blaming myself
6 years of sadness and anger

I cant face the days as they come
I just want to be able to feel free
Why are you doing this to me
Why wont the feelings go away

The anniversary of your death looms nearer
The pain starts to sear my chest again
Not only do I contend with the anniversary of your suicide
I contend with the anniversary of the day I lost our daughter

The days were long and hard after your suicide
I just wanted a way to make them easier
They never got easier but time did help ease some
But as your anniversay looms they get longer and harder again

It's been almost 6 years now
The pain is still as great as it was then
Now I have anger that I can't vent at you
Why did you do it, how could you think it?

6 years ago you took your life
6 years ago you didn't think about anyone but you
6 years ago I went through hell
6 years ago and still I blame myself

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Crystal S. (LiveLife)

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