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Topic: Another RC comment

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geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Subject: Another RC comment
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:25 PM ET
Member Since: 9/2/2008
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I have an RC

Ours is a non-smoking home so we would appreciate receiving books that aren't currently in a smoking environment.  This isn't a deal breaker though.  Thanks.

For the second time I've been turned down for a WL'd book because of this.  The people have been nice.  I haven't received some of those nasty comments others have received about their RC's.

Someone else mentioned that they wished they were able to turn off their RC for a WL'd book and I'd have liked to do that for this one.  I suppose I shouldn't complain though.  Somehow I was #10 on the list yesterday and received the request accepted e-mail today.  Then I got the e-mail saying they couldn't comply with my RC since they smoked.  In the PBS e-mail it said it would either go to my reminder list or I'd go back to my spot on the WL.  I checked and I'm currently #9.  I guess the people ahead of me must have conditions too.

whippoorwill avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:35 PM ET
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I'm a little confused by your RC. Do you want books from smoking homes or not? I don't smoke, so I would accept, but if I was a smoker, it wouldn't be clear if you wanted me to accept or not or how you would decide if the book was acceptable etc.. The not a dealbreaker part is the part that would throw me.

Just my .02.

Last Edited on: 5/28/09 4:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 2

honeybee23 avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:38 PM ET
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In all honestly, I would turn down a book due to your RC.

Either you don't want books that are not currenlty in a smoking envirnoment, or you're okay with it.

Accepting an RC and not abiding by it is grounds for a RWAP, and I wouldn't want to risk losing a credit on it.

What's the book? I'll check my stash to see if I have it (I just got a lot of over 200 books from a library liquidation sale. Most are not yet posted, and my shelf's on hold while I gradually add things.)

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:39 PM ET
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You're right.  I'm gonna dump the not a deal breaker part. 

Ours is a non-smoking home so we would appreciate receiving books that aren't currently in a smoking environment.  Thanks

How's that?

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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:40 PM ET
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If I was a smoker I wouldn't accept either especially if it's a WL book. Either you want no-smoking books or not.  You shouldn't make the sender have to guess or PM you to find out if it's ok for this one book. You need to make a firm no-smoking environment RC or get rid of it.

If you take your books off autorequest then you can turn the RCS on (or not) for dif WL books.

whippoorwill avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:43 PM ET
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That's better. I might also reword the "so we would appreciate" part to make it a little clearer/ firm. Some folks might liken that phrase to "I would prefer" which is slightly vague and open to interpretation on whether or not smokey books are completely out of the question. But otherwise, it's much less confusing than the original, and I'd have no problem complying /understanding if I was a smoker.
melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 4:57 PM ET
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You can toggle the RCs on Wish List books as long as you dont have them on Auto-Request. When you get the offer, jus tturn the RC off before accepting it.

eta: I see you have rewritten your RC, much better.

Last Edited on: 5/28/09 4:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:00 PM ET
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I'm drawing a blank.  How would you reword the "so we would appreciate".  The only thing that keeps coming to mind is we'd prefer and I know that's slightly vague. 

I want books from non-smoking homes - the

No, had a thought what about this?

Ours is a non-smoking home, we would rather have books that aren't currently in a smoking environment.   Thanks.

Last Edited on: 5/28/09 5:02 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
whippoorwill avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:05 PM ET
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Well, I'm drawing a blank too, haha. Maybe someone else has a suggestion? Or perhaps, we would appreciate won't be a problem? I tend to overthink things :)
geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:06 PM ET
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Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake, Bk 6) :: Kerrelyn Sparks

According to the WL I should have it in a week.  I'm #9 out of 178 and 26 copies were mailed out in the last week.  But, if you've got it...

honeybee23 avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:17 PM ET
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Alas, I do not have that book! Hopefully, it will be yours sooner than you know.

One last thing about your RC, I feel like you added the "we'd appreciate" and/or "we'd rather" was your attempt to be polite. While the wording is polite, it lends itself to interpretation, which makes for a confusing RC.

I think if you stick to "I cannot accept books that are currently in a smoking envirnoment. Thank you for understanding." You are will be both clear in your needs, and polite.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:24 PM ET
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I want books from non-smoking homes - the

Yes, that's it!  Nah, just kidding. It made me giggle, though.

I can tell you want to ask for non- cigarette stinky books in a matter that's more gentle than usual. How about the following although it's wordy.

Ours is a non-smoking home, therefore we ask that requested books likewise come from a non-smoking environmment.

Thanks for understanding.


This is a tough one. Any other ideas?

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:25 PM ET
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Why not just, "No books currently in a smoking home." It's short, tells what you want, and doesn't leave room for interpretation. "We would appreciate" or "we prefer" are vague. I think most of us would prefer our books didn't stink like smoke. (Although, to be honest, I've never gotten a smoke-stinky book from PBS.)

Either you want this RC or you don't. Don't waffle about it! LOL


xengab avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:37 PM ET
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I agree with the - No books currently in a smoking home."  Its easy to understand and there is not fuzzy areas.

My first impression was, so what if you dont smoke and arent in a smoking home it has nothing to do with the request.

"Please dont send books from a currently smoking home"

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 5:49 PM ET
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Yep, I was trying to be polite but Cheryl you're right it waffles.  I think I read too many posts in the forums about stinky, moldy books and knew I didn't want that.  I have received one that was a bit smoky.

I don't profess to have the most sensitive nose but on Memorial Day I was outside and someone was cooking chicken and I wanted to be invited to the party.  I couldn't see them but sure did smell it.  Along with all the neighborhood dogs.  We all wanted to be invited.  :))

I think I'll take it away and hope for the best.

Thanks for the opinions and help!  I wasn't really happy with the RC but just couldn't figure out how to fix it.