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Topic: need another series like psychic eye

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Subject: need another series like psychic eye
Date Posted: 9/7/2007 6:57 PM ET
Member Since: 7/31/2006
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I saw these mentioned in another thread and now I want more like these! I've read all 5 plus the ghost hunter mystery she started. My coworker read them all and another is reading them now and we' ve all really enjoyed these for being cute, funny, interesting and a 'story'. I've read some other good cozies but none were funny and that's what we're looking for.

bookaholic avatar
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Date Posted: 9/7/2007 9:35 PM ET
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I enjoyed the Dead-end job mysteries by Elaine Viets. They were all humorous interesting mysteries  The first one was SHOP TIL YOU DROP.  Not sure which order they were after that   but others in the series were:






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Date Posted: 9/7/2007 10:27 PM ET
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thanks! I have some of those in my TBR the first one and enjoyed it but not as much as the psychic eye ones....of course I was tired when I read it which could account for my attitude! I remember reading the 2nd flower shop mystery but didn't find it funny..not sure how Il ike that series.

I have the undead stories but haven't read those yet..mary janice davidson..think they wereunder 'romance paranormal' but some have said they're f co-worker doesn't like romance per se but liked these psychic eye ones so she's a bit more particular...she might like the elaine viets ones you mentioned though...I think I'l take a couple of those with me this weekend along with the meg cabot  'size 12' and 'size 14' ones for her to try out. thanks!

connieb118 avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2007 6:41 PM ET
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I've got two suggestions for mystery/funny series, Susanna. The first is the Nina Quinn series by Heather Webber:

Nina Quinn
A Hoe Lot of Trouble (2004)
Trouble in Spades (2005)
Digging Up Trouble (2006)
Trouble in Bloom (2007)

and the Blackbird sisters series by Nancy Martin:

Blackbird Sisters Mysteries
1. How to Murder a Millionaire (2002)
2. Dead Girls Don't Wear Diamonds (2003)
3. Some Like It Lethal (2004)
4. Cross Your Heart and Hope To Die (2005)
5. Have Your Cake and Kill Him Too (2006)
6. A Crazy Little Thing Called Death (2007)
7. Murder Melts in Your Mouth (2008)


How could I forget the Passport to Peril series by Maddy Hunter !?!

Passport to Peril
1. Alpine for You (2003)
2. Top O' the Mournin' (2003)
3. Pasta Imperfect (2004)
4. Hula Done It? (2005)
5. G'Day to Die (2006)
6. Norway to Hide (2007)


So, I really had 3 suggestions!

Last Edited on: 9/8/07 6:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
crawford avatar
Date Posted: 9/8/2007 8:59 PM ET
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I LOVE the Psychic Eye mysteries too :) I have 2 more to read then I'm stuck until the next one comes out... I'm dreading that!

Along the same tone I also enjoy the Kendra Ballentyne Pet-Sitter mysteries by Linda O. Johnston, the first being "Sit, Stay, Slay". It's not technically a mystery series, but the Queen of Vampires series by MaryJanice Davidson- starting with "Undead and Unwed" are HILARIOUS with a great lead character. I just read my first CeCe Caruso mystery by Susan Kandel, and that's a great series as well. I'd also suggest Charlaine Harris, especially her Southern Vampire series, which has the heroine dealing with mind-reading powers. I also liked Madelyn Alt's "Bewitched Mystery" series, though out of these suggestions the Psychic Eye is still my favorite!

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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 8:41 AM ET
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thanks! I have some of these in my TBR pile! I'll let my co-worker try out a few and see if she gets into them! I wasn't sure if the 'undead' series was mystery-like or a romance..she's not into the romance unless it's mixed in with other stuff like a mystery and funny situations, etc.

have you read the flower shop m ysteries? I've read 2 of those but they're just 'ok' to me...havning trouble liking the main character..maybe since she 'uses' people and keeps making fun of everyone 'different'..hmm..could've been in the wrong mood for them too...I did like the first deadend job mystery though not sure how I feel about someone on the run from the courts even if the courts WERE wrong! I have the next few in  that series to read as well as a few of the pet sitter ones though the background on those sounds 'stressful'! I also have the first coffehouse mystery and 2 candyshop mysteries...hee hee..I have a lot but not sure which are funny and/or good! :-) a favorite series that I just ordered the latest paperback in is monica ferris' needlecraft series but I like those because of the hobbies discussed!

I don't have maddy hunter's series..are they pretty funny too?

connieb118 avatar
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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 9:50 AM ET
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I think they're funny, Susanna. Emily Andrew is a tour guide based in Iowa, who is escorting seniors (her grandmother included) on trips. And I am eagerly awaiting the release of the latest installment at the end of October!

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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 12:02 PM ET
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OK, she's now occupied reading 'undead and unwed' andis liking it...she's almost done with it though and I dont have the 2nd one here!

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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 9:16 PM ET
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I read the first in the undead series but am not into vampires and so will not continue with that. I have "Apline for you" but have not started it yet. Also have the 1st  psychic eye ordered.How about the BUBBLES series by Sarah Strohmeyer and "Better off Wed" the first in the Laura Durham series?

bookaholic avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 1:37 PM ET
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Another series that is very funny with a bit of mystery and romance is the books by Dixie Cash.  The first one is SINCE YOU'RE LEAVING ANYWAY, TAKE OUT THE TRASH. The main character is a Southern divorced hairdresser that  solves crimes. There are at least two more in that series.

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Judith L. (JML) - ,
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Date Posted: 9/23/2007 5:22 PM ET
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Have you tried the witch series by Madelyn Alt?  I think the first one is A Charmed Death.  Though not as good as the Psychic Eye mysteries, they have their moments, and are worth a try.

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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 7:28 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 7/1/10 11:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 9/29/2007 6:13 AM ET
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I just got one of alt's books but can't remember the title but think it's the co-worker (who screened the psychic eye books and some others for me!) currently has it. I love books and buy so many mypile is huge...she's still amazed I think that I loan her books I haven't read yet. she justfinished the 2 bodymovers books by stephanie bond and liked them and is now frustrated yet again that we have to wait til next year to get the next books in all these series!